A one stop shop to assist you in assessing your legal and regulatory obligations flowing from a cyber incident

Clyde & Co have developed a tailor-made data review solution, to ensure your impacted data can be identified, reviewed and assessed in the most time efficient and cost-effective manner. This means that you can address your legal and regulatory obligations quickly and within the required regulatory timeframe.

This product provides you with an understanding of the personal data and related individuals that may be impacted as a result of the incident, and to what extent. This information will ultimately feed into our privacy/regulatory assessment and allow us to advise you on whether you have a legal obligation to notify applicable regulators (including data protection authorities), affected individuals and/or other stakeholders.

The data mining’s rapid review capabilities means you will be in the best position possible to answer questions and support your stakeholders, be it internal (employees) or external (customers, suppliers, etc).

How does data mining work?

Click the '+' below sign to find out more.

How does the privacy assessment centre compare to other solutions in the market?

This is a tailor-made solution by Clyde & Co’s market leading Cyber Incident Response Team. Leveraging our experience in assisting clients across thousands of cyber incidents and data reviews, we have designed this product to set the benchmark for the most seamless, efficient, effective and user-friendly data review experience in the industry.

Contact us to find out more about data mining

Our Cyber Risk team

Ian Birdsey
Ian Birdsey


Helen Bourne
Helen Bourne


Reece Corbett-Wilkins
Reece Corbett-Wilkins


John Moran
John Moran


Georgia Amos
Georgia Amos

Associate & Global Cyber Practice Product Development Manager

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