
Clyde & Co works with clients throughout the lifecycle of major infrastructure projects across the globe, providing practical, commercially astute advice on transactional and contentious issues

A leading infrastructure practice across all asset classes

We provide our infrastructure clients with a full range of legal services, harnessing the power of our global network.

We have an established footprint in developed markets and a leading reputation for adapting and delivering for clients in emerging markets. We work across all infrastructure asset classes, with particular focus on energy and natural resources, transport, social infrastructure and development work.

Whether our clients are procuring project services (as a government client, a developer, investor or funder), or supplying them (as a contractor, consultant or facilities manager), our solutions-driven service, based on commercial acumen and technical expertise, is focused on achieving their goals.

Projects & Construction: Year in Review 2020

Legal developments in the global construction and infrastructure sector in 2020

View our analysis and predictions for 2021

Our Infrastructure work

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  • 中东
  • Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund development

    Advising The Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF), a donor-backed debt fund providing project finance loans for infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa,  in relation to its USD 450 million loan facilities.

    South Africa

    Telecommunications infrastructure dispute against the Government of Guinea

    Acting for a telecommunication infrastructure company in an ICC arbitration against the Government of Guinea in relation to a debt recovery.


    Shariah-compliant student accommodation fund

    Advised CastleHill Capital on the establishment of its inaugural GBP 100 million Shariah-compliant UK student accommodation fund aimed at institutional and high net worth individuals, primarily across the Middle East and Asia, looking to invest in secondary towns across the UK with well performing univeristies

    United Kingdom

    JV establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project

    Advising on joint venture establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project.


    Suez Industrial Free Zone

    Advising on the negotiation of the USD 230 million project financing, EPC construction, port use and plant facilities in the Suez Industrial Free Zone.


    JV dispute arising from an infrastructure project

    Advising on an ICC arbitration relating to a joint venture dispute concerning an infrastructure project in Nigeria.


    Industrial park at a port in Western Australia

    Preparing contracts for the construction of an industrial park at a port in Western Australia, including sheds/warehouses, leases and licences for usage of facilities


    Abu Dhabi hotel financing and expansion

    Acting for a venture capital fund acquiring a hotel in Abu Dhabi, including advising on the financing and construction of a new hotel wing to double the size of the existing property.

    United Arab Emirates

    Access to infrastructure application

    Acting for a client making the second ever access to infrastructure (pipeline and processing facilities) application to DECC in relation to North Sea assets.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition of power assets stake

    Advising on the IDB Infrastructure Fund’s acquisition of a 32% stake in AES Corporation’s power generation assets in Pakistan and Oman.

  • Delayed start up claim

    Advising on a USD 100 million delayed start up (DSU) claim at a petrochemical plant in southern Canada.


    Business interruption at one of the world’s largest nuclear facilities Acting for DSU

    Business interruption at one of the world’s largest nuclear facilities Acting for DSU insurers on a claim value of USD 300 million relating to the interruption to a project for one of the world's largest nuclear facilities.


    Termination dispute

    Advising on the recovery of a USD 33.75 million for a contractor in a termination dispute. 


    Residential condominium development in Montreal

    Advising engineers regarding litigation involving design of residential condominium development in Montreal.


    Construction of a nuclear energy company

    Acting as co-counsel to a nuclear energy company in litigation relating to its construction. 


    Termination of a long-term supply agreement

    Acting as counsel to a global energy company regarding the termination of a long term supply agreement. 


    Settlement damages at research hospital in Quebec City

    Acting as counsel for course of construction insurers in claims involving significant settlement damages at a research hospital in Quebec City. 


    Collapse of the Montreal Olympic Stadium roof

    Advising on the settlement of CAD 85 million of claims following the collapse of Montreal’s Olympic Stadium roof.


    Explosion of Canadian oil sands refinery

    Advising in relation to claims against contractors involved in the construction of a Canadian oil sands refinery where an explosion caused a total loss in excess of CAD 1 billion.


    Business interruption at one of the world's largest nuclear facilities

    Acting for DSU insurers on a claim value of USD 300 million relating to the interruption to a project for one of the world's largest nuclear facilities.

  • Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund development

    Advising The Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF), a donor-backed debt fund providing project finance loans for infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa,  in relation to its USD 450 million loan facilities.

    South Africa

    Telecommunications infrastructure dispute against the Government of Guinea

    Acting for a telecommunication infrastructure company in an ICC arbitration against the Government of Guinea in relation to a debt recovery.


    JV establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project

    Advising on joint venture establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project.


    JV dispute arising from an infrastructure project

    Advising on an ICC arbitration relating to a joint venture dispute concerning an infrastructure project in Nigeria.


    East African road dispute

    Advising on multiple arbitration claims relating to the construction of a regional road in East Africa


    Horizons Clinic, Gambia

    Advising the lenders, African Development Bank, in relation to the project financing of a hospital project (Horizons Clinic) in Gambia


    USD 20 billion Simandou South iron ore mining in Guinea

    Advising on the high profile, USD 20 billion Simandou South iron ore mining project. This project is one of the world’s largest untapped high quality iron ore deposits and the project includes the construction of a 700km railway and the development of a deep water port to the south of Conakry, Guinea’s capital. Once developed it is set to be the largest integrated iron ore mine and infrastructure project ever developed in Africa and it offers the potential to transform the development of...


    Major gas transmission pipeline in Libya

    Advising a Russian construction company in the oil and gas industry on the construction of a major gas transmission pipeline in Libya.


    Dakar Port Project

    Advising African Development Bank on a EUR 47 million investment for the Dakar Port Project, Senegal


    Contracts at the Tonkolili iron ore mine

    Advising the mining and exploration company, African Minerals Limited on their flagship asset, the Tonkolili iron ore project in Sierra Leone. We are now advising on the infrastructure phase of this project which includes the port and rail aspects. This will establish a transport structure that will service the West African sub-region enabling both Sierra Leone and neighbouring countries to export their goods to international markets.

    Sierra Leone
  • Strikes and civil commotion claim

    Advising on one of the world's largest insurance claims ever recorded arising out of strikes and civil commotion at the world's largest electric power construction project based in the Amazon.


    Brazilian port construction contracts

    Advising on the preparation of a fixed price construction contract for major repair works to the Port of Santos in Brazil following a vessel collision.


    USD 2 billion upgrade of the Cartagena oil refinery

    Advising on a bespoke EPC contract for the USD 2 billion upgrade of the Cartagena oil refinery in Colombia.


    Port construction arbitration

    Advising on a USD 4 million ICC arbitration concerning dredging and port construction works in the Dominican Republic.

    Dominican Republic

    High value arbitration on crude oil pipeline

    Assisting insurers in a high value arbitration concerning a number of events that impacted on a multi-year CAR policy covering the construction of a 500km crude oil pipeline in Ecuador.

  • FMG Anderson Point Port Expansion Project

    Advising in relation to a claim brought by a subcontractor under the Construction Contracts Act (WA) relating to the FMG Anderson Point Port Expansion Project


    Claims and disputes arising from road and rail infrastructure in Victoria

    Advising National infrastructure operators and maintenance companies on claims and disputes arising from road and rail infrastructure in Victoria


    Industrial park at a port in Western Australia

    Preparing contracts for the construction of an industrial park at a port in Western Australia, including sheds/warehouses, leases and licences for usage of facilities


    Minerva Project main contractor termination

    Acting for a major subcontractor in a Supreme Court of Victoria proceeding involving AED 330 million in claims arising from the employer’s termination of the main contractor in relation to the Minerva Project.


    Queensland LNG project procurement contracts

    Advising a mining and civil construction contractor and gas company on a number of specific procurement contracts for a Queensland LNG project.


    Advising on a landmark commercial development

    Advised a major contractor in relation to a landmark 28 storey commercial development in Sydney.


    New factory building project in China

    Advised an international automotive interior manufacture on their supervision contract and construction contract in relation to its new factory building project in China


    EPCM contract for a Chinese manufacturing plant

    Advising on an EPCM contract for a nitric acid production plant in Shanghai as part of a USD 3 billion investment to establish a manufacturing complex


    Solar project investment and joint venture arrangement in China

    Advising a group specialising in developing, constructing and operating solar plants on its investments, proposed joint venture and solar projects in China.


    HKD 11 billion City Of Dreams project

    Advising a contractor on construction contracts and a finance agreement for the HKD 11 billion City of Dreams project in Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong
  • Shariah-compliant student accommodation fund

    Advised CastleHill Capital on the establishment of its inaugural GBP 100 million Shariah-compliant UK student accommodation fund aimed at institutional and high net worth individuals, primarily across the Middle East and Asia, looking to invest in secondary towns across the UK with well performing univeristies

    United Kingdom

    ICC arbitration regarding price adjustment

    Advising an Austrian contractor on an ICC arbitration concerning a price adjustment claim relating to a road rehabilitation project.


    ICC Paris arbitration on behalf of an international contractor

    Representing an international main contractor in an ICC arbitration in Paris in connection with a high value mixed use development in Egypt.


    Ireland's Schools PPP Programme

    Advising Sodexo Ireland Limited as O&M Contractor on the second bundle of Ireland's Schools PPP Programme


    Subrogated recovery following major flood

    Acting for London insurers in respect of a subrogated recovery against a dam operator following a major flood in Europe.


    Caspian pipeline consortium's operating subsidiaries

    Advising on the Caspian pipeline consortium and the establishment and maintenance of operating subsidiaries both in Kazakhstan and Russia.

    Russian Federation

    Sabotage and theft on major infrastructure project

    Advising international insurers and reinsurers in relation to multiple incidents of sabotage and theft on a major infrastructure project in southern Turkey. We are advising on all aspects of the matter including coverage and quantum


    NEC contract-administration training on Hinkley Point C Nuclear Build Project

    Providing NEC contract-administration training to a key supplier on the Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Build project

    United Kingdom

    GC Works contractual disputes

    Acting on behalf of a key mechanical and electrical sub-contractor in relation to GC Works contractual disputes at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom

    GC Works contract at major nuclear defence and testing facility

    Assisting the main contractor in the preparation of claims against the employer on a GC Works contract at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom
  • Suez Industrial Free Zone

    Advising on the negotiation of the USD 230 million project financing, EPC construction, port use and plant facilities in the Suez Industrial Free Zone.


    Road project ICC arbitration in Qatar

    Advising a joint venture contractor on a QR 110 million claim and ICC arbitration arising out of a road project in Qatar.


    GBP 200 million highway failure claim

    Advising reinsurers on a GBP 200 million material damage claim being brought in the courts of Qatar, arising from a failure of a newly constructed highway.


    Highway connecting Abu Dhabi with Saudi Arabia and Qatar

    Acted for the operations and maintenance provider within a consortium team, in connection with the team’s bid to design, build, finance and operate the Mafraq-Ghweifat Highway which will connect Abu Dhabi with Saudi Arabia and Qatar under a PPP arrangement


    Dispute plant in relation to cement plant in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

    Successfully representing a Korean contractor in ICC proceedings against a consortium of Japanese contractors in relation to its claims for additional monies arising out of the design, construction and subsequent wrongful termination of a cement plant in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Spanish rail consortium establishment in Saudi Arabia

    Advising a Spanish rail consortium on its establishment and operations in KSA, including employment and immigration compliance advice focusing on registration with government authorities, minimum employment entitlements and immigration procedures.

    Saudi Arabia

    USD 100 million acquisition of a construction company

    Advising a consortium (comprising two major investment banks and a Saudi based private equity firm) on an USD 100 million acquisition of a construction company based in the UAE.

    Saudi Arabia

    Local law issues at a major university

    Advising an Australian contractor regarding contractual risk and local law issues concerning facilities maintenance works at a major university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia

    Amwal Al Khaleej USD 10 Billion constuction project

    Advising Amwal Al Khaleej on its investment in a USD 10 billion project for the construction of an alumina mine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Crane collapse at the Burj Al Arab Hotel

    Acting for a consortium of international insurers in relation to proceedings in New South Wales against a crane manufacturer following the collapse of a crane during the construction of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, including a successful mediation

    United Arab Emirates

Our Infrastructure team

Sara Aalamri
Sara Aalamri


Andrés Adame
Andrés Adame


Anthony Albertini
Anthony Albertini


Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily
Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily


Talal AlOthman
Talal AlOthman


Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado


Marianne Anton
Marianne Anton


Andrew Archer
Andrew Archer


Toni Ashby
Toni Ashby


Christopher Bakker
Christopher Bakker


Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

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