Energy & Natural Resources

Dedicated advice across energy and natural resources

Our energy & natural resources lawyers support the development of the global energy supply chain by helping clients across the full life cycle of projects, from planning and funding (including PPP/PFI), developing and operating to refinancing and sale.

Our team applies a truly global perspective, advising on significant infrastructure projects in both developed and emerging markets, to our sector expertise in oil, gas, power, renewables, mining and natural resources.  We advise a range of industry participants, including energy investors, sponsors, developers, contractors, operators, suppliers and insurers to complete our wholesale understanding of the market. Our infrastructure lawyers can leverage this knowledge for the benefit of our clients.

Demographic shifts and unprecedented demand for energy and natural resources brings both familiar and unprecedented challenges to infrastructure participants. The sector is characterised by uncertainty and complexity, which is why we partner with our clients to successfully deliver projects, mitigate risk and navigate disputes, enabling them to do business across the globe.

Our Energy & Natural Resources Work

  • All
  • 北美洲
  • 非洲
  • 拉丁美洲
  • 亚太地区
  • 英国和欧洲
  • 中东
  • Access to infrastructure application

    Acting for a client making the second ever access to infrastructure (pipeline and processing facilities) application to DECC in relation to North Sea assets.

    United Kingdom

    Amwal Al Khaleej USD 10 Billion constuction project

    Advising Amwal Al Khaleej on its investment in a USD 10 billion project for the construction of an alumina mine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Compliance and planning for Hawkes Bay wind farm project

    Advising on compliance and planning requirements for the Hawkes Bay wind farm project.

    New Zealand

    Contractual risk profile at nuclear storage and processing facility

    Advising the main contractor carrying out work at a UK nuclear storage and processing facility in relation to its contractual risk profile and various issues regarding variations, prolongation and sub-contractor disputes

    United Kingdom

    Development of a coal fired power station with a major industrial user

    Advising the lead developer on a project to develop a coal fired power station with a major industrial user

    United Kingdom

    EPC contract for a specialists power contractor

    Advising a specialist power contractor in negotiating the terms of a bespoke EPC contract for a multi-million pound development in Canary Wharf, London.

    United Kingdom

    Gas pipeline construction dispute

    Advising contractors and operators on disputes arising from the construction of a gas pipeline in New South Wales and Western Australia


    GC Works contract at major nuclear defence and testing facility

    Assisting the main contractor in the preparation of claims against the employer on a GC Works contract at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom

    GC Works contractual disputes

    Acting on behalf of a key mechanical and electrical sub-contractor in relation to GC Works contractual disputes at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom

    International contractor in Mongolia

    Advising an international contractor on the design, construction and exploitation of an open pit coal mine.

  • Representation for contractor in hydroelectric plant disputes

    Counsel for international contractor on USD 1 billion dollar contract to develop hydroelectric generation facility involving claims of delay, cost overruns, defective design, bidding irregularities and misrepresentations

    United States
  • Major gas transmission pipeline in Libya

    Advising a Russian construction company in the oil and gas industry on the construction of a major gas transmission pipeline in Libya.


    Sustainable development of Mtwara energy projects

    Advising on the Mtwara electricity project including  the sustainable development and financing of Mnazi Bay natural gas reserves and on the construction of a power station and electricity supply infrastructure.

  • USD 2 billion upgrade of the Cartagena oil refinery

    Advising on a bespoke EPC contract for the USD 2 billion upgrade of the Cartagena oil refinery in Colombia.

  • Gas pipeline construction dispute

    Advising contractors and operators on disputes arising from the construction of a gas pipeline in New South Wales and Western Australia


    International contractor in Mongolia

    Advising an international contractor on the design, construction and exploitation of an open pit coal mine.


    Compliance and planning for Hawkes Bay wind farm project

    Advising on compliance and planning requirements for the Hawkes Bay wind farm project.

    New Zealand
  • Access to infrastructure application

    Acting for a client making the second ever access to infrastructure (pipeline and processing facilities) application to DECC in relation to North Sea assets.

    United Kingdom

    Contractual risk profile at nuclear storage and processing facility

    Advising the main contractor carrying out work at a UK nuclear storage and processing facility in relation to its contractual risk profile and various issues regarding variations, prolongation and sub-contractor disputes

    United Kingdom

    Development of a coal fired power station with a major industrial user

    Advising the lead developer on a project to develop a coal fired power station with a major industrial user

    United Kingdom

    EPC contract for a specialists power contractor

    Advising a specialist power contractor in negotiating the terms of a bespoke EPC contract for a multi-million pound development in Canary Wharf, London.

    United Kingdom

    GC Works contract at major nuclear defence and testing facility

    Assisting the main contractor in the preparation of claims against the employer on a GC Works contract at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom

    GC Works contractual disputes

    Acting on behalf of a key mechanical and electrical sub-contractor in relation to GC Works contractual disputes at a major UK nuclear defence and testing facility

    United Kingdom

    NEC contract-administration training on Hinkley Point C Nuclear Build Project

    Providing NEC contract-administration training to a key supplier on the Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Build project

    United Kingdom

    NEC contractual disputes

    Acting for a specialist ductwork sub-contractor to the nuclear industry including providing pre-dispute advice and support in relation to NEC contractual disputes as to compensation events at a nuclear power station in Scotland

    United Kingdom

    Speyside Renewable Energy Project

    Acting for Standardkessel GmbH in connection with its appointment as EPC contractor for the Speyside Renewable Energy Project (Scotland)

    United Kingdom
  • Amwal Al Khaleej USD 10 Billion constuction project

    Advising Amwal Al Khaleej on its investment in a USD 10 billion project for the construction of an alumina mine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

Our Energy & Natural Resources team

Anthony Albertini
Anthony Albertini


Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily
Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily


Toni Ashby
Toni Ashby


Corneli Basson
Corneli Basson


Mark Blanksby
Mark Blanksby


Harry Boyle
Harry Boyle


David Brown
David Brown


Will Cadwaladr
Will Cadwaladr


Julie Cornély
Julie Cornély


Ben Cowling
Ben Cowling


Lucy Frith
Lucy Frith


View all Energy & Natural Resources partners


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