The ideal of homeownership remains a key cornerstone of the property market in England and Wales. Our team has the expertise and experience to deliver a high-quality service to our developer clients who acquire land and buildings to develop homes for open market sale, whether these projects comprise small-scale, high-quality housing, larger housing developments, or residential and mixed-use apartment blocks, in new or refurbished buildings.
Our “full life” cycle approach has been designed to meet our clients’ requirements: the same team deals with the acquisition, funding and sales of new build homes, together with the sale and letting of commercial and amenity space in mixed use developments.
Operating from our locations in Manchester and Guildford, our dedicated plot sales lawyers are a key part of our holistic development team. They advise on the sale of new build homes, both locally and nationally, including high profile, city centre apartment-led schemes.
We are experienced in advising on management structures and service charge regimes, including multi-tenure residential developments. We can also help to overcome the pitfalls associated with the changing legal landscape affecting new build housing and the legislative requirements which our clients need to navigate, whether they are selling, letting or managing residential and commercial space created in developments containing open market housing.