Foreign Direct Investment

Providing advice to clients on foreign direct investment projects

Our foreign direct investment group regularly advises on the establishment, structuring and reorganisation of transactions, acquisitions and disposals. We manage the complete investment or divestment process for our clients, from determining the most effective structuring of their deals, to assisting in the evaluation of potential business partners and locations to performing due diligence on target companies or assets.

Our global network means we are able to provide on the ground, local knowledge to guide our clients every step of the way and give advice that takes into account the cultural nuances of the particular jurisdiction.

Our FDI advice utilises our expertise in corporate structuring, tax planning, employment, intellectual property protection and dispute resolution.

Our Foreign Direct Investment Work

  • All
  • 英国和欧洲
  • 中东
  • Abu Dhabi health authority terms of reference

    Advising on the terms of reference for Abu Dhabi Health Authority’s disciplinary committee for medical professionals which involved considering applicable federal and Abu Dhabi laws and regulations and examining best practice internationally

    United Arab Emirates

    Acute Trust medical record disclosure application

    Representing an Acute Trust in relation to an application by national media for disclosure of medical records

    United Kingdom

    Development of satellite cancer wards for leading NHS Trust

    Representing The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in connection with its set up of chemotherapy treatment wards on a satellite basis with two other care hospitals around the South East including advising on the Estate Code matters for leasing and dealing with the setting up of the wards and the facilities and the associated cost provision of services between ward and general hospital

    United Kingdom

    Emergency advice to an NHS Trust

    Advising with regard to a challenge by a family member to prevent the hospital switching off life support and allowing the patient to die with dignity

    United Kingdom

    Establishment of the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

    Advising the CQC on the establishment of the Commission, including the statutory transfer of assets and liabilities from the Commission for Social Care Inspection, the Healthcare Commission and the Mental Health Act Commission

    United Kingdom

    Healthcare quality allegations following a death in a prison

    Providing representation at a long and complex article 2 inquest involving a death in a prison where the quality of the healthcare was criticised

    United Kingdom

    NHS pensions, retirement and TUPE advice

    Advising NHS bodies on the pensions aspects of TUPE transfers, including the risks associated withbeneficial early retirement rights (such as those provided under the NHS Pension Scheme) transferring under TUPE.

    United Kingdom

    NHS private share repurchase deal

    Advising East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust on its re-purchase of the entire issued share capital of Healthex Limited in order to regain control of the subsidiary company

    United Kingdom

    NHS Trust allegations of discrimination

    Acting on behalf of an NHS Trust defending a claim for disability discrimination, whistleblowing and unfair dismissal brought by a consultant who had been dismissed for misconduct

    United Kingdom

    NHS Trusts and healthcare law

    Advising NHS Trusts in dealing with Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act requests as well as advising on all aspects of healthcare law including the Children Act, hospital policies and protocols and confidentiality

    United Kingdom
  • Acute Trust medical record disclosure application

    Representing an Acute Trust in relation to an application by national media for disclosure of medical records

    United Kingdom

    Development of satellite cancer wards for leading NHS Trust

    Representing The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in connection with its set up of chemotherapy treatment wards on a satellite basis with two other care hospitals around the South East including advising on the Estate Code matters for leasing and dealing with the setting up of the wards and the facilities and the associated cost provision of services between ward and general hospital

    United Kingdom

    Emergency advice to an NHS Trust

    Advising with regard to a challenge by a family member to prevent the hospital switching off life support and allowing the patient to die with dignity

    United Kingdom

    Establishment of the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

    Advising the CQC on the establishment of the Commission, including the statutory transfer of assets and liabilities from the Commission for Social Care Inspection, the Healthcare Commission and the Mental Health Act Commission

    United Kingdom

    Healthcare quality allegations following a death in a prison

    Providing representation at a long and complex article 2 inquest involving a death in a prison where the quality of the healthcare was criticised

    United Kingdom

    NHS pensions, retirement and TUPE advice

    Advising NHS bodies on the pensions aspects of TUPE transfers, including the risks associated withbeneficial early retirement rights (such as those provided under the NHS Pension Scheme) transferring under TUPE.

    United Kingdom

    NHS private share repurchase deal

    Advising East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust on its re-purchase of the entire issued share capital of Healthex Limited in order to regain control of the subsidiary company

    United Kingdom

    NHS Trust allegations of discrimination

    Acting on behalf of an NHS Trust defending a claim for disability discrimination, whistleblowing and unfair dismissal brought by a consultant who had been dismissed for misconduct

    United Kingdom

    NHS Trusts and healthcare law

    Advising NHS Trusts in dealing with Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Act requests as well as advising on all aspects of healthcare law including the Children Act, hospital policies and protocols and confidentiality

    United Kingdom

    Precedent setting case regarding disclosure

    Representing a Mental Health Trust at the first hearing before the Upper Tier (Health, Education and Social Care Chamber) Tribunal in relation to disclosure of information, this decision provided guidance to all Mental Health Organisations in relation to disclosure of third party information to patients' solicitors

    United Kingdom
  • Abu Dhabi health authority terms of reference

    Advising on the terms of reference for Abu Dhabi Health Authority’s disciplinary committee for medical professionals which involved considering applicable federal and Abu Dhabi laws and regulations and examining best practice internationally

    United Arab Emirates

Our Foreign Direct Investment team

Andrés Adame
Andrés Adame


Nora Al Muhamad
Nora Al Muhamad


Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily
Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily


Mohammed Almarzouki
Mohammed Almarzouki


Roshanak Bassiri Gharb
Roshanak Bassiri Gharb


Julie Cornély
Julie Cornély


Jo-Anne Demers
Jo-Anne Demers


Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Evans


Rachel Fox
Rachel Fox


Emma Higham
Emma Higham


Wayne Jones
Wayne Jones


