Environment & Planning

Advising our clients on the approvals and licensing required for large scale developments.

Our global team has a wide range of planning and environment experience in sectors including residential, commercial and industrial property development and also on a variety of infrastructure. 

We are able to provide advice on the pathways for obtaining approvals, the application of the relevant planning instruments, requirements for rezoning, the development and application of masterplans, assist in negotiating voluntary planning agreements and stakeholder/regulator engagement. We work closely with our clients and the project team in identifying and dealing with the relevant issues, including planners, architects and engineers and in engaging with the Planning and Environment authorities. 

The team has extensive experience in the following areas:

• environmental impact assessment; 

• built and indigenous heritage, biodiversity, threatened species, approvals and licences; 

• pollution, contaminated land and waste management issues; 

• incident response; regulatory investigations; compliance and auditing of procedures; and

• litigation including planning appeals, third party appeals, compulsory acquisitions, and prosecutions.

We also regularly work with governments, developers and construction companies, on issues associated with implementing the approvals and carrying out the various stages of development, from obtaining consents, through to construction and operation, including compliance with approvals and obtaining modifications where necessary. 

Our Environment & Planning team

Brian Greenwood
Brian Greenwood


Rod Hunt
Rod Hunt


David Leckie
David Leckie


Chris Morrison
Chris Morrison


Peter Greatrex
Peter Greatrex
