Patents & Trade Secrets

We advise clients on the protection enforcement and exploitation of their innovations

Our team of patent lawyers advises clients on all aspects of protection strategies for patentable and unpatentable technologies. A significant part of this is the protection of know-how, not only through patents (where possible or where patents would not result in making trade secrets public) but also through standard terms to be included in employee and consultant contracts. These terms are aimed at maintaining control over confidential and sensitive know-how and minimising the risk of ex-employees setting up in competition. We also advise on the enforcement and commercial exploitation of patents and know-how, including freedom to operate opinions to ensure that clients have freedom to conduct their businesses and exploit their intellectual property while navigating the rights of third parties.

Further, our Middle East practice offers a full patent filing and prosecution service. In dealing with patent applications, it is essential to combine a strong understanding of local practices and procedures with the international requirements of the overseas office that is examining the application. It is also essential to be able to deal with the application at a technical level in the local language. Accordingly, we offer this service in Arabic, in which the application is generally filed and granted, and in English in which it is generally examined.

Our Patents & Trade Secrets Work

  • All
  • 英国和欧洲
  • 中东
  • Administration of a logistics company

    Acting for the administrators of City Trucks Limited, a major road haulage and logistics business, dealing with various trading issues and the realisation of the company's debtor ledger.

    United Arab Emirates

    Administration of an aviation recruitment business

    Acting for the administrators of a GBP 70 million turnover aviation recruitment business to effect a pre-packaged sale of the business and assets. Ensuring a full recovery for the receivables financiers of the amounts advanced.

    United Kingdom

    Administration of printing companies

    Acting for the administrators of a number of unconnected printing companies in situations where the companies' assets were subject to finance and the debts were subject to invoice discounting arrangements. Our instructions included negotiating and drafting the relevant business and asset sale agreements, which allowed the administrators to preserve the companies' goodwill in order that the debts could be collected, thereby achieving a good result for the factors and asset based lenders (most...

    United Kingdom

    Business and asset sales

    Negotiating and completing numerous business and asset sales for administrators appointed by invoice financiers

    United Kingdom

    Contract reviews on behalf of invoice financiers

    Conducting various pre take on reviews of customer contracts on behalf of invoice financiers and advising on the viability of funding the receivables.

    United Kingdom

    Enforceability of a personal guarantee

    Successfully representing an invoice financier on issues relating to the enforceability of a personal guarantee in the Court of Appeal.

    United Arab Emirates

    Invoice discounting facilities

    Renegotiating various invoice discounting facilities and supporting security and advising on improved terms for receivables financiers.

    United Kingdom
  • Administration of an aviation recruitment business

    Acting for the administrators of a GBP 70 million turnover aviation recruitment business to effect a pre-packaged sale of the business and assets. Ensuring a full recovery for the receivables financiers of the amounts advanced.

    United Kingdom

    Administration of printing companies

    Acting for the administrators of a number of unconnected printing companies in situations where the companies' assets were subject to finance and the debts were subject to invoice discounting arrangements. Our instructions included negotiating and drafting the relevant business and asset sale agreements, which allowed the administrators to preserve the companies' goodwill in order that the debts could be collected, thereby achieving a good result for the factors and asset based lenders (most...

    United Kingdom

    Business and asset sales

    Negotiating and completing numerous business and asset sales for administrators appointed by invoice financiers

    United Kingdom

    Contract reviews on behalf of invoice financiers

    Conducting various pre take on reviews of customer contracts on behalf of invoice financiers and advising on the viability of funding the receivables.

    United Kingdom

    Invoice discounting facilities

    Renegotiating various invoice discounting facilities and supporting security and advising on improved terms for receivables financiers.

    United Kingdom
  • Enforceability of a personal guarantee

    Successfully representing an invoice financier on issues relating to the enforceability of a personal guarantee in the Court of Appeal.

    United Arab Emirates

    Administration of a logistics company

    Acting for the administrators of City Trucks Limited, a major road haulage and logistics business, dealing with various trading issues and the realisation of the company's debtor ledger.

    United Arab Emirates

Our Patents & Trade Secrets team

Ralph Cox
Ralph Cox


Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Evans


James Holmes
James Holmes


Chris Williams
Chris Williams


Joycia Young
Joycia Young


