Cyber Summit 2024

Watch the highlight reel, read the report, download the Under The Hood Guide and check out the photos from the day here.

On 15 February at the iconic Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), the second annual Cyber Summit brought together 37 speakers to share their insights and projection on what lies ahead for Australia as it looks to become the most cyber-secure nation by 2030. The speakers included  some of the most influential names in the Australian cybersecurity and regulatory landscape.

The Summit dived into the Australian Government’s newly released Cyber Security Strategy and its 6 ‘Shields’ approach to defending Australian citizens and businesses from cybercrime with a jam packed agenda including:

  • What’s on the policy / enforcement agenda from key regulators
  • Stories from the front line of cyber incident response – from both the cyber industry and those who have been through it
  • Law reform debate on hot topics such as the banning of ransom payments, security of critical infrastructure expansion, and the creation of a standalone Cyber Security Act
  • Workshops led by key sponsor partners to address topical issues

We had over 1000 guests in attendance, including insurance industry professionals, regulators, government, company directors and executives, security professionals, managers, lawyers, risk professionals, IT professionals and technical specialists.

Watch the highlight reel, read the report, download the Under The Hood Guide and check out the photos from the day here.

We also launched our white paper at the Summit - providing key findings and actionable data to support industry-wide initiatives and inform policy setting. Please download a copy below.

Download our White Paper

What's next?

Look out for a Save The Date as we start to plan for 2025 or email the team at to discuss any of the above materials. 

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