Our industrial relations team advises in union and employer disputes

Our industrial relations team works with employers across a number of different sectors in relation to their trade union relationships. Our in-depth understanding of trade unions, together with the importance of maintaining good relationships with unions, places us in the unique position of being able to advise our clients on how to manage and improve their relationships with their unions. 

We can help them to avoid discussions and any disagreements turning into full scale disputes.  Where disputes do occur, we are experienced in assisting in their resolution.

Our employment lawyers regularly advise clients on a wide range of trade union related matters, including trade union recognition and drawing up recognition and collective bargaining agreements. We help clients to manage collective consultation, whether in relation to TUPE or to collective redundancies. 

Our Industrial Relations Work

  • All
  • UK & Europe
  • Partnership and employment issues in sale of business

    Advising a major law firm in relation to complex partnership and employment issues in relation to the sale of part of its business to another firm; involving an assessment of different categories of partner, and advice on transitioning of partners (to retain value in the business, and protection of its assets).

    United Kingdom

    Transfer of business to LLP

    Transfer of the business of a firm of property agents based throughout the South East, to an LLP including preparation of an LLP Members Agreement for over 30 members.

    United Kingdom
  • Partnership and employment issues in sale of business

    Advising a major law firm in relation to complex partnership and employment issues in relation to the sale of part of its business to another firm; involving an assessment of different categories of partner, and advice on transitioning of partners (to retain value in the business, and protection of its assets).

    United Kingdom

    Transfer of business to LLP

    Transfer of the business of a firm of property agents based throughout the South East, to an LLP including preparation of an LLP Members Agreement for over 30 members.

    United Kingdom

Our Industrial Relations team

Ahmed Alhudaithi
Ahmed Alhudaithi


Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado


Thomas Choo
Thomas Choo

Managing Partner

Robert Hill
Robert Hill


Gloria Jones
Gloria Jones


Sara Khoja
Sara Khoja


Robert King
Robert King


Graham Mitchell
Graham Mitchell


Frances Ross
Frances Ross


Aliko Simon
Aliko Simon


Charles Urquhart
Charles Urquhart


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