Professional & Financial Disputes Claims Handling

An unrivalled, bespoke and client-centric claims handling service.

We help organisations deliver results by offering a first class and cost effective claims handling service, on both a delegated and non-delegated authority basis, backed by the expertise and resources of a global insurance law firm. 

We understand the importance for claims departments to provide the best claims service possible whilst continuing to retain and attract new business in a competitive and measured marketplace.

We do not take a “one size fits all” approach. We work with a range of clients to deliver a service that is built around advancing claims to their optimum resolution point in the most efficient process and in as short a lifecycle as possible. We have unrivalled ability to handle pre and post litigated claims in significant volumes at short notice.

Our professional and financial lines practice has a long established, leading reputation in the UK and across the globe. In the UK, our team which works across our regional hubs has multiple claims handling contracts across a number of the major and emerging professions. Around the globe, we offer claims handling services across a wide spectrum of professionals, extending as well to cyber and media liability. 

The breadth and depth of our expertise enables us to provide a quality, flexible cost claims handling offering. We are able to leverage off our leading expertise in complex insurance disputes where necessary.

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How can we help?

Our Claims Handling Work

  • All
  • 英国和欧洲
  • Dissolving a partnership and damages for negligence

    Advised on a High Court partnership dispute as to whether a partnership had been dissolved and damages for negligence. This claim was brought by our client, a solicitors firm, against one of its partners. It also brought separate defamation proceedings. The departing partner brought an Employment Tribunal claim in response.

    United Kingdom
  • Dissolving a partnership and damages for negligence

    Advised on a High Court partnership dispute as to whether a partnership had been dissolved and damages for negligence. This claim was brought by our client, a solicitors firm, against one of its partners. It also brought separate defamation proceedings. The departing partner brought an Employment Tribunal claim in response.

    United Kingdom

Claims Handling Brochure

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Key Contacts

Louisa Robbins
Louisa Robbins


Bronwyn Jones
Bronwyn Jones

Claims Manager

Ben Parks
Ben Parks
