年预测 - 引领未来一年的机遇与挑战

Clyde & Co lawyers highlight the trends, risks and opportunities likely to impact our core sectors and services in 2024.


Predicting the shifting landscape for businesses is similar to navigating a dynamic maze, particularly given the intricate interplay of this year's business dynamics. The omnipresent threat to the financial health of every company arises from the complex interweaving of risks, including economic shifts, people challenges, regulatory complexities, technological advances, geopolitical factors, and climate change.

As part of our Predictions 2024 - Navigating the risks in the year ahead campaign, our global team of lawyers have collaborated to not only predict but to proactively navigate the nuanced landscape in the upcoming year. These risks transcend not only the Insurance industry but also impact all our sectors: Aviation, Projects & Construction and EMNR (Energy, Marine and Natural Resources). As we delve into each prediction, these six risks intricately weave within the trends behind the news, the challenges demanding attention, and the opportunities waiting to be harnessed by stakeholders in the sector.

In this dynamic landscape, we are focused on navigating our clients through the risks they face whether caused by economic shifts, workforce dynamics, regulatory landscapes, technological advancements, geopolitical outcomes, and climate risks and more.

Download the report

Key Risks

Economic risk

Economic risk

Climate change

Climate change

Geopolitical risk

Geopolitical risk



People challenges

People challenges



Predictions 2024 - navigating the year ahead

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