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Jorge Meneses



Jorge Meneses

Jorge Meneses


Jorge Meneses has focused his experience in the area of disputes and complex conflict resolution. Extensive experience, among other matters, in high net worth individuals disputes, insurance litigation, regulation of the financial market and corporations. He also leads the area of public, administrative and regulatory law in our office in Santiago, Chile.




Jorge Meneses has focused his experience in the area of disputes and complex conflict resolution. Extensive experience, among other matters, in high net worth individuals disputes, insurance litigation, regulation of the financial market and corporations. He also leads the area of public, administrative and regulatory law in our office in Santiago, Chile.


Jorge is a Partner in the area of ​​civil and commercial litigation and leader in the area of ​​public, administrative and regulatory law of our office in Santiago, Chile.

He has acted as a lawyer and principal advisor in multiple complex litigations, leading interdisciplinary teams, coordinating strategies and direct and immediate relationship with clients, including open-stock corporations, individuals and family offices and private companies. His experience in disputes include the representation of insurance and infrastructure, advising several insurance companies and business groups related to the development, construction and administration of real estate projects.

Jorge also leads the public, administrative and regulatory law practice of the firm, representing rating agencies, auditing companies and board members before the Financial Market Commission (Supervisory Authority in Chile). His experience in administrative sanctioning processes extends to compliance matters, sanitary and life sciences, pharmaceutical, construction and municipal, among others.

  • Representation of individuals in a dispute related to family conflict linked to the administration and management of retail and real estate businesses for assets exceeding USD 500 million.
  • Representation of a food supply company in a dispute related to a public tender process and award of school feeding program for budgets of USD 1,150,000,000.
  • Representation of two individuals in the dispute linked to the inheritance, legacy and work in Chile and abroad of famous Chilean writing and poet Nicanor Parra Sandoval.
  • Representation of the Caja de Ahorros de Empleados Públicos, a financial savings and loan institution, in its dispute with the State of Chile.
  • Representation of External Audit Company before the Financial Market Commission (Supervisory Authority of Chile) in the context of the case called "Cascadas"
  • Representation of a Rating Agency before the Financial Market Commission (Supervisory Authority of Chile) in the context of the so-called "La Polar" case
  • Representation of local pharmaceutics laboratory in lawsuit against the state of Chile for cancellation of health requirements regarding bioequivalence.


  • Assurance

  • Assurance dommages

  • Différends liés aux partenariats

  • Droit immobilier

  • Infrastructures sociales

  • Matières premières agricoles

  • Réassurance

  • Responsabilité professionnelle

  • 保健



  • Actions collectives

  • Affaires litigieuses et validation de réclamations

  • Affaires non litigieuses et restructuration consensuelle

  • Défense réglementaire

  • Droit réglementaire et enquêtes

  • Finances en droit maritime

  • Finances liées aux projets

  • Fusions et Acquisitions

  • Litiges en droit immobilier

  • Lutte contre la corruption

  • Marchandises, droit maritime et transport

  • Plaidoirie internationale

  • Règlement de différends

  • 房地产