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James McLellan



James McLellan

James McLellan



James McLellan

James McLellan


James is an associate in Clyde & Co’s Middle East Construction and Dispute Resolution Groups, based in the Doha office. James advises on a range of contentious and non-contentious matters.




James is an associate in Clyde & Co’s Middle East Construction and Dispute Resolution Groups, based in the Doha office. James advises on a range of contentious and non-contentious matters.


James is an associate in Clyde & Co’s Middle East Construction and Dispute Resolution Groups, based in the Doha office.

James advises clients from a range of industries on both contentious and non-contentious matters. On the contentious side, James assists with disputes in both the domestic Courts of Qatar and those arising from the offshore Qatar Financial Centre and Qatar Free Zone jurisdictions.   

James previously spent time on secondment to the UK legal team of a European listed client of the firm where he assisted on a variety of non-contentious matters from contract review and negotiation to advising the business on a number of more specific, discrete issues.

  • Drafting, reviewing, advising and negotiating in respect of key contract documents relating to the procurement of supplies for circa 65,000 rooms of temporary accommodation and ancillary services in advance of a high-profile sporting event.
  • Advising a British electrical engineering business on the termination of an agency agreement for the provision of sales consultancy services in Qatar.
  • Advising a Malaysian contractor on the merits of a claim for liquidated damages in light of the issuance of an arbitration award and its subsequent annulment by the Courts of Qatar.
  • Assisting a well known Qatari business and associated family in defending a claim for sums loaned by a regional bank and pursuing a counterclaim for a large investment which had been invested and subsequently became locked in the Lebanese market.
  • Acting as Tribunal Secretary in a QICCA Arbitration.
  • While on secondment, advising on the operation of liquidated damages clauses and drafting and advising on commercial contracts (framework, rebate and confidentiality agreements in particular). 


  • 基础设施



  • 国际仲裁

  • 商事争议

  • 项目和建筑工程
