Looking Glass Report

Navigating the global risk landscape


We are pleased to have collaborated with Winmark to produce this year’s edition of the Looking Glass report. The annual report investigates trends and developments that impact senior legal leaders, both in-house and in private practice.

Looking Glass Event Summary

Navigating the Geopolitical Risk Landscape

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2021/2022 Report summary

Each year, the annual Looking Glass report, in partnership with executive network Winmark, seeks the opinions of General Counsel, their in-house legal teams and the senior board and C-suite decision makers they work with, on the risk landscape their organisations face and their ability to navigate it effectively. This year’s report is the most global representation of
these views yet.

Key findings

  1. Navigating the global risk landscape: The three areas of risk that business leaders expect to have the biggest impact on their business in the next two to three years are: 
  • People
  • Regulation
  • Technology 

2.  A deep-dive into the new risk landscape: The three areas dominating board agendas are:

  • Digital Transformation & Technology risk
  • Climate change risk 
  • Pandemic related risk 

3.  The role of the GC: The changing role of the General Counsel (GC)

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 1: Navigating the global risk landscape

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 1: Navigating the global risk landscape

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 2: A deep-dive into the new risk landscape

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 2: A deep-dive into the new risk landscape

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 3: The changing role of the General Counsel

Looking Glass 2021/2022 - Part 3: The changing role of the General Counsel

Looking Glass Report 2021/2022

To find out more about the Looking Glass Report

About Winmark

Winmark gives business leaders the knowledge and connections to achieve greater impact.

Their professional member networks enable C-suite executives to learn from their peers and engage in the discussions that are transforming their business environment.

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Past Reports

2020 Report

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2019 Report

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2017 Report

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