Advocates' Immunity II: Kendirjian v Lepore and the "Functional Connection" test Advocates' Immunity II: Kendirjian v Lepore and the "Functional Connection" test 2017年5月4日
Quebec : Retaining control over the legal defence - Another victory for the insurers Quebec : Retaining control over the legal defence - Another victory for the insurers 2017年2月22日
Insurers Must Ferret Out Claims Involving Medicare Advantage Organizations or Risk Paying 3X Insurers Must Ferret Out Claims Involving Medicare Advantage Organizations or Risk Paying 3X 2017年1月3日
A Brave New 'AI' World - predictive coding technology is embraced by the Supreme Court of Victoria A Brave New 'AI' World - predictive coding technology is embraced by the Supreme Court of Victoria 2016年12月12日
Revised Pre-Action Protocol for Construction and Engineering Disputes Revised Pre-Action Protocol for Construction and Engineering Disputes 2016年11月10日
UK Insurance Ltd v Holden & Another - The meaning of "use" in a motor insurance policy UK Insurance Ltd v Holden & Another - The meaning of "use" in a motor insurance policy 2016年9月22日
A forum shopper's paradise: is Australia set to become a "must see" destination for a libel tourist? A forum shopper's paradise: is Australia set to become a "must see" destination for a libel tourist? 2016年7月23日
Third Parties' (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 comes into force in August Third Parties' (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 comes into force in August 2016年5月10日
Attwells v Jackson Lalic: A shock to lawyers' immune systems Attwells v Jackson Lalic: A shock to lawyers' immune systems 2016年5月9日
Vicarious Liability - Cox v Ministry of Justice; Mohamud v WM Morrison Supermarkets (Supreme Court) Vicarious Liability - Cox v Ministry of Justice; Mohamud v WM Morrison Supermarkets (Supreme Court) 2016年3月2日
Legacy Claims - Heneghan v Manchester Dry Docks Ltd & Others (Court of Appeal) Legacy Claims - Heneghan v Manchester Dry Docks Ltd & Others (Court of Appeal) 2016年2月15日
Occupiers' Liability - Pollock v Cahill (High Court) Occupiers' Liability - Pollock v Cahill (High Court) 2015年7月30日
Duty of Care - Dunnage v Randall and UK Insurance Ltd (Court of Appeal) Duty of Care - Dunnage v Randall and UK Insurance Ltd (Court of Appeal) 2015年7月2日
The High Court of Australia lifts the insurer's mask & clarifies the proportionate liability regime The High Court of Australia lifts the insurer's mask & clarifies the proportionate liability regime 2015年6月9日
Solicitors’ undertakings back in the spotlight Solicitors’ undertakings back in the spotlight 2015年3月3日
Credit Hire - Karl Stevens v Equity Syndicate Management Limited (Court of Appeal) Credit Hire - Karl Stevens v Equity Syndicate Management Limited (Court of Appeal) 2015年2月26日
Police - Michael and others v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police and another (Supreme Court) Police - Michael and others v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police and another (Supreme Court) 2015年1月29日
Proportionate liability: a decade of clarity or confusion? Proportionate liability: a decade of clarity or confusion? 2014年12月1日
Subrogation - Rathbone Bros v Novae Corporate Underwriting (Court of Appeal) Subrogation - Rathbone Bros v Novae Corporate Underwriting (Court of Appeal) 2014年11月14日
Legacy Claims - McDonald (Deceased) v The National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (Supreme Court) Legacy Claims - McDonald (Deceased) v The National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (Supreme Court) 2014年10月22日
Police - Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire (Court of Appeal) Police - Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire (Court of Appeal) 2014年2月5日
Motor Insurance - Coles v Hetherton & Ors (Court of Appeal) Motor Insurance - Coles v Hetherton & Ors (Court of Appeal) 2013年12月20日
Local Authority - Woodland v Essex County Council (Supreme Court) Local Authority - Woodland v Essex County Council (Supreme Court) 2013年10月23日