Tech driven transformations in Catastrophic Injury claims

  • Insight Articles 2025年3月13日 2025年3月13日
  • 英国和欧洲

  • Tech & AI evolution

  • 保险和再保险

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World – Tech driven transformations in Catastrophic Injury Claims.


The rapid development of technology in healthcare is to be welcomed and has significant potential to improve the lives of catastrophically injured claimants. As always, though, where there are opportunities, the pace of development also presents challenges for insurers in handling these types of injury claims. Insurers, therefore, need to stay up to date with advancements to develop strategies to address those challenges and mitigate any risks.

Collaboration between claimants, insurers, medical experts and care providers has always been fundamental in catastrophic injury claims, and it will remain key in successfully adapting to the new landscape. It will also be crucial to remember that one size does not fit all and to ensure that the use of technology is properly assessed to determine whether it is the right way forward for each claimant.  

Ultimately, this means that as these new technologies are still emerging, insurers need to be proactive but careful in adopting them to ensure long-term sustainable care solutions that address the specific needs of each individual claimant. 


