On-demand webinar: Indigenous Rights

  • Webinar 2024年9月27日 2024年9月27日
  • 英国和欧洲

  • Climate change

  • 保险和再保险

Indigenous rights are an important part of the ‘S’ in ESG. They also overlap with other ESG elements such as climate liability, loss of biodiversity and deforestation. The last decade has seen a steep increase in successful claims brought on behalf of indigenous people and local communities. Such claims often involve rights to land and compensation.

In our webinar, we cover the potential liability issues including: 

•    New duties of care to protect indigenous rights
•    High level of legal costs and damages
•    Breach of head office regulation
•    Breach of directors’ duties
•    Securities class actions
•    Extraterritorial tort liability

The seminar will be of interest to underwriters, claims professionals and in-house counsel in all liability lines.

Click here to view the recording



Miguel Lozano salazar, Paralegal, London

