How Chile’s Economic Crimes Law Expands Corporate and Individual Liability
Legal Development 2024年8月13日 2024年8月13日
Economic insights
Franco Acchiardo was recently interviewed by David Hill for the Anti-Corruption report regarding Chile’s 2023 Economic Crimes Law Law No. 21,595, which has provisions in the Corporate Criminal Liability Law No. 20,393 coming into effect on September 1, 2024.
Companies doing business in Chile need to prepare for more expansive, and more aggressively enforced, liability provisions for white-collar crimes, as well as heightened compliance expectations, that are due to come into effect in the fall of 2024. Chile’s 2023 Economic Crimes Law, Law No. 21,595 (ECL), expands the range of criminal offenses for which a company can be held liable and introduces both personal liability for senior leaders at companies and new environmental offenses. The Anti-Corruption Report spoke to Chilean attorneys to better understand the ECL’s impact and what companies need to do to prepare.
Please note, the full version of the article is available to subscribers of the Anti-Corruption Report only.