Economic insights
Transition to Interest Rate-Based Monetary Policy in Tanzania
Economic insights
The Finance Act is a key piece of legislation that is passed to give effect to fiscal measures proposed by the government in the annual national budget. In this article we highlight the key changes introduced by the Finance Act of 2024. Changes introduced by the Act are effective from 1 July 2024, unless indicated otherwise.
Charitable Organisations: Resident public entities that are focused on health services and environmental conservation can apply to the Commissioner General for Tanzania Revenue Authority (CG) to be recognized as charitable organisations for tax purposes.
Exemption from Alternative Minimum Tax: Tea processing companies with perpetual unrelieved tax losses for the current and preceding two tax years are exempt from paying Alternative Minimum Tax for a three-year period ending on 30th June 2027.
Tax invoices to support deduction of expenses: Fiscal receipts are required to support a claim of deduction of expenses. Fiscal receipts are not required for purchases from foreign suppliers and those not legally obliged to issue fiscal receipts.
Limitation of utilisation of unrelieved tax losses: Utilisation of tax losses carried forward is restricted after a period of four years of consecutive losses such that only 60% (previously, 70%) of the taxable income of an entity in the fifth year of income can be set-off against losses brought forward and the balance of unutilised tax losses can be carried forward to the succeeding year.
Limitation of exemption from change in control rules: Exclusion from tax implications of change in underlying ownership is limited to a change that results from allotment of shares in a resident entity.
Withholding tax (WHT) on Digital Content Creation: Payments made by residents or non-residents to resident digital content creators are subject to WHT at the rate of 5%.
WHT on Industrial and Metallic Minerals: Payments made by a resident buyer of industrial minerals (excluding salt) or metallic minerals (excluding other precious metals) are subject to WHT at the rate of 2%.
WHT on Digital Assets: Payments made by residents or non-residents to residents for the exchange or transfer of digital assets are subject to WHT at the rate of 3%.
WHT on lease of construction equipment or machinery: Rent paid by a resident lessee to a resident lessor for lease of construction equipment or machinery is subject to WHT at the rate of 10%.
Final withholding payments: Income tax withheld on payments made by a resident person to an individual who is a primary mining licensee or an artisanal miner, and on payments made to a local government authority, local community, or any resident individual in respect of verified carbon emission reductions, is final.
WHT exemption on interest payments on Concessionary Loans: WHT does not apply on interest paid by resident financial institutions to non-resident financial institutions or funds which have an agreement with the Government of Tanzania to provide concessionary loans to resident financial institutions that on-lend the funds to resident borrowers.
Taxation of non-resident transport operators or charterers: Income of a non-resident who receives a payment in conducting a business of land, sea or air transport operator or charterer excludes fees, charges, or tax paid by a passenger and received by the non-resident on behalf of the Government.
Exclusion of non-resident employees from filing returns: Non-resident employees are not obliged to file an individual tax return if they have only Tanzania-sourced employment income from which their employer has already withheld income tax.
Ministerial powers to grant exemption from VAT: The Minister for Finance can exempt from VAT:
Notification by intending traders: Businesses which are registered for VAT as intending traders but fail to commence production of taxable supplies must notify the CG within 90 days after expiration of the period in which they had indicated they will commence production of taxable supplies. Failure to notify results in a deemed deregistration from VAT.
Expansion of electronic services: Online data services that are delivered or provided through an internet or telecommunications network are included in the definition of electronic services under place of supply rules.
Extension of zero-rating of supplies:
Extension of VAT exemption:
Zero-rated supplies of gold:
Imports exempt from VAT:
Supplies exempt from VAT:
Abolished exemptions:
Commercial advertisement of betting, gaming, or lotteries: Fees for commercial advertisement of betting, gaming, or lotteries through print media, television, or radio broadcasting are subject to excise duty at the rate of 10%. An exclusion applies to fees for non-commercial advertisement of promotions, the national lottery, and licensed games.
Offsetting of excise duty paid on undenatured ethyl alcohol: Excise duty paid on imported or locally manufactured undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol or higher that is used as raw material to manufacture wine of fresh grapes (including fortified wines), undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol, or spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages is offsetable against excise duty payable on the finished products.
Submission of excise duty returns: Monthly returns are due not later than the 25th day (previously, last working day) of the month following the month to which the return relates.
Ministerial powers to grant duty remission: Minister for Finance can remit excise duty payable on undenatured ethyl alcohol for:
New excisable products:
Reduced excise duty:
Compliance with laws governing cargo deconsolidation: Cargo consolidators must comply with customs and other laws governing deconsolidation of cargoes to their owners at the time of importation of goods. Failure to comply with such laws is an offence that attracts, upon conviction, a fine equal to 30% of the customs value of the imported cargo.
Servicing of documents: Documents are considered to be served to the tax authorities or a person when duly sent by fax, email or any other electronic means as per laws governing electronic transactions.
Admission of objections: An objection to a tax assessment or notice of a tax liability is deemed to be admitted by the tax authorities when the objector has paid a tax deposit equivalent to the greater of the tax not in dispute or one third of the assessed tax.
Capped fines for offences relating to fiscal devices and fiscal receipts: The fine for failure to acquire or use a fiscal device, or failure to issue a correct fiscal receipt is capped at 200 currency points equivalent to TZS 4 million.
Adjustment of Currency Points: one currency point is equivalent to TZS 20,000 (previously, TZS 15,000).
Railway development levy at the rate of 2% (previously, 1.5%) is payable on CIF value of imports entered for home consumption.
Payments made by a water supply and sanitation authority to casual labourers engaged in implementation of water and sanitation project are exempt from skills and development levy.
Crude sunflower oil and sunflower seeds are liable to export levy at the rate of 10% of the free-on-board (FOB) value.
Industrial Development Levy is chargeable on specified imports entered for home consumption:
Goods originating from the East African Community Partner States that meet the East African Community Rules of Origin are exempt from the levy.
Imposition of road and fuel toll on windfall fuel:
Sugar Board shall establish average production costs of sugar per metric tonne at the beginning of every production season.
Sugar manufacturers must declare and publish names of their sugar distributors for each region at the beginning of every production season.
The National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) has exclusive mandate to import, store and distribute sugar for domestic consumption to cover sugar gaps or to maintain buffer stock.
Mineral right holders and licensed dealers shall set aside at least 20% of gold for local processing, smelting, refining, and trading. An exclusion applies to persons who have an agreement with the Government that stipulates otherwise.
A supply of gold to the Bank of Tanzania is exempt from the 1% inspection fee.
Royalty at the rate of 4% is payable on gold supplied to the Bank of Tanzania.
Motor vehicle registration tax is payable on electronic motor vehicles or electric hybrid motor vehicles:
Transacting using any currency other than the legal tender (bank notes and coins in TZS) issued by the Bank of Tanzania is an offence. Minister of Finance shall issue regulations providing further clarification.
The timeline for determining abandoned property is 10 years (previously, 15 years).
This article covers key legislative changes as a result of amendments made by the Finance Act of 2024, and provides a summary highlighting some of the key changes that will affect stakeholders in the respective industries/sectors. Please contact one of the authors listed below if you have any questions.