Advising a leading software developer
Advising a leading software developer in its relationship with its local distributor in Egypt.
We support clients on the development, protection and exploitation of technology assets as well as the licensing of bespoke or off-the-shelf enterprise software for use in their company operations.
Our approach to this complex area is to support clients in each of our core sectors by explaining agreements in user-friendly terms and working with IT suppliers to ensure that contracts meet the client’s requirements. We have experience of negotiating with leading industry players and our knowledge of vendor positions can help clients navigate the varied and complex issues to arrive at cost-efficient, business-effective agreements.
Our team also has experience of content-related deals and licensing transactions, cloud computing and open source licensing.
Advising a leading software developer in its relationship with its local distributor in Egypt.
Advising a leading software developer in its relationship with its local distributor in Egypt.