Real Estate

Clyde & Co offers expert legal advice and guidance on all aspects of real estate and property law, with practical solutions for transactional and contentious issues relating to finance, planning, developments and more.

Multi-disciplinary experience in a dynamic market

We have built a formidable knowledge base in the real estate sector as a result of our involvement in numerous projects and cases over many years.

We understand the issues affecting international landowners, property developers, occupiers, local councils and other authorities and investors and provide specialist support across the property life cycle.

Much of the work we do is transactional, involving finance, planning and ongoing occupier-tenant relations. We also have a dedicated real estate litigation team that uses all forms of dispute resolution, with particular prowess in the settlement of claims, adjudication and court action.

Whatever the nature and size of our client’s involvement in real estate, we can help them foresee and overcome legal issues and respond to problems as and when they arise.

Our keen commercial awareness also ensures that the advice we give is shaped to enable our clients to take advantage of the opportunities the market offers.

Our Real Estate Expertise Areas





Industrial & Logistics

Industrial & Logistics



Hospitality & Leisure

Hospitality & Leisure

Public Sector

Public Sector



Property Specialist: Retail and Consumer

Our team of retail property specialists advise on all legal requirements for retailers and landlords. We understand first-hand the importance of managing portfolios and premises to ensure they are creating value for your business. In this interactive brochure we present our capabilities.

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Property Specialist: Investment

Our extensive investment experience spans all real estate sectors including office, retail, logistics, industrial and residential and we have a particular expertise in high value and complex acquisitions and disposals. In this interactive brochure we present our capabilities.

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Our Real Estate Work

  • All
  • Middle East
  • UK & Europe
  • Acting for U+I Group Plc

    Acting for U+I Group Plc on numerous residential led mixed use regeneration projects, including Preston Barracks, The Deptford Project, Clapham One, Bromley South Central, The Old Vinyl Factory, Circus Street, Brighton, Sittingbourne Town Centre, Holborn Library and the regeneration of a 24-acre site adjacent to Piccadilly Station.

    UK & Europe

    Joint Venture with Transport for London

    Advising Grainger plc on their landmark Connected Living joint venture with TfL to develop a portfolio of residential BTR schemes across London. We also advised Grainger on their development joint venture with the London borough of Lewisham.

    United Kingdom

    Majority Stake Share Disposal

    Advising Wilmott Dixon on the disposal of a majority stake in its Be Living residential development business to Ecoworld Berhad. 

    United Kingdom

    Sale of a Real Estate Investment SPV

    Acting for the Sellers in relation to the sale of a real estate investment SPV which owned industrial warehousing units built in the 1980s constructed over ground and first floors.

    United Kingdom

    De-merger Restructure of City & Provincial Properties

    Advising on a multi-step tax driven restructure of an existing company group in conjunction with PWC through a demerger.  

    United Kingdom

    Sale of the Meteor Shopping Centre, Derby

    Advising on the strategic corporate sale of the Luxembourg vehicle owning the Meteor Shopping Centre, Derby, by the Ares Investment Group.

    United Kingdom

    €500 million sale of Luxemburg SPV

    Advising on the sale of the Luxembourg holding company that owns One Braham, the newly developed office building that is to be the global headquarters of BT, acknowledged (at the time of completion) as the largest real estate investment transaction in London that year.


    Acquisition and development finance (including mezzanine financing)

    Advising on the acquiring of a site at London Fields, Warburton Road, Hackney for a GDV of £65m. The site is to be developed to comprise 58 dwellings with commercial spaces.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition and development of a residential led mixed use development

    Of some 1.2m sq ft at a former commercial building in Blackfriars, working alongside Network Rail. GDV in excess of £1.5bn.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition of a site in the Lake District for construction of a new 70 bed hotel

    In an area of outstanding natural beauty. Accordingly, this was extremely sensitive from a planning perspective and local occupiers. We satisfied the planning condition and completion of the acquisition of the site, the entry into an agreement for lease for a market rent occupational interest in respect of the whole site to a hotel chain, and the forward funding of the development costs associated.  

    United Kingdom
  • Advising on a JV and development agreement for a landmark location in Cairo

    Advising the local owner of the land on a joint venture and development agreement for the purposes of constructing a unique commercial and residential real estate project in a landmark location in Cairo.


    Mixed-use real estate development in Cairo

    Advising a sovereign investment fund ​in relation to a mixed-use real estate development in Cairo, Egypt

  • Acting for U+I Group Plc

    Acting for U+I Group Plc on numerous residential led mixed use regeneration projects, including Preston Barracks, The Deptford Project, Clapham One, Bromley South Central, The Old Vinyl Factory, Circus Street, Brighton, Sittingbourne Town Centre, Holborn Library and the regeneration of a 24-acre site adjacent to Piccadilly Station.

    UK & Europe

    Majority Stake Share Disposal

    Advising Wilmott Dixon on the disposal of a majority stake in its Be Living residential development business to Ecoworld Berhad. 

    United Kingdom

    Sale of a Real Estate Investment SPV

    Acting for the Sellers in relation to the sale of a real estate investment SPV which owned industrial warehousing units built in the 1980s constructed over ground and first floors.

    United Kingdom

    Joint Venture with Transport for London

    Advising Grainger plc on their landmark Connected Living joint venture with TfL to develop a portfolio of residential BTR schemes across London. We also advised Grainger on their development joint venture with the London borough of Lewisham.

    United Kingdom

    Sale of the Meteor Shopping Centre, Derby

    Advising on the strategic corporate sale of the Luxembourg vehicle owning the Meteor Shopping Centre, Derby, by the Ares Investment Group.

    United Kingdom

    De-merger Restructure of City & Provincial Properties

    Advising on a multi-step tax driven restructure of an existing company group in conjunction with PWC through a demerger.  

    United Kingdom

    €500 million sale of Luxemburg SPV

    Advising on the sale of the Luxembourg holding company that owns One Braham, the newly developed office building that is to be the global headquarters of BT, acknowledged (at the time of completion) as the largest real estate investment transaction in London that year.


    Acting for an international home improvement company

    Secured a pre-let agreement in relation to their new London headquarters at an annual rent of £2m+.

    United Kingdom

    Acting for a private asset management firm on their entry to the UK shopping centre market

    Secured deals comprising four shopping centres with an aggregate value of £27.2m.

    United Kingdom

    Acting for a major home improvement retailer

    In relation to a significant re-gear project affecting 77 leases representing an annual saving of between £7m and £9.5m (a 15-20% of aggregate rental liability).

    United Kingdom

Our Real Estate team

Martin Quicke
Martin Quicke


Graeme Taylor
Graeme Taylor


Stephen Lintott
Stephen Lintott


Will Deeprose
Will Deeprose


Daniel Keys
Daniel Keys


Laura Oliver
Laura Oliver


John Pearce
John Pearce


Annabelle Redman
Annabelle Redman


Andrew Wallis
Andrew Wallis


Rachel Orton
Rachel Orton


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