Our skilled team brings together specialist litigation and professional liability expertise to advise clients on minimising the risk of claims, maximising recoveries and resolving disputes without the need for court proceedings.

Our team has significant experience in handling claims brought against insurance intermediaries including both Lloyd’s and non-Lloyd’s brokers. We have advised on a wide range of issues including the scope of the duty of care owed to clients and to insurers, complicated causation and loss issues and the application of binding authorities. We are also frequently asked to assist our clients on E&O claims arising from business interruption losses. Whilst such claims have been a problem for a long time, there is no shortage of new claims.

We understand the regulatory framework that applies to insurance intermediaries and can assist brokers and their insurers in related issues.

In line with the increasingly international nature of the exposures facing professionals, we defend firms all over the world. With professional liability capability in key jurisdictions we can advise our clients wherever they operate.

Our Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers Work

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  • 英国和欧洲
  • Dissolving a partnership and damages for negligence

    Advised on a High Court partnership dispute as to whether a partnership had been dissolved and damages for negligence. This claim was brought by our client, a solicitors firm, against one of its partners. It also brought separate defamation proceedings. The departing partner brought an Employment Tribunal claim in response.

    United Kingdom
  • Dissolving a partnership and damages for negligence

    Advised on a High Court partnership dispute as to whether a partnership had been dissolved and damages for negligence. This claim was brought by our client, a solicitors firm, against one of its partners. It also brought separate defamation proceedings. The departing partner brought an Employment Tribunal claim in response.

    United Kingdom

Our Insurance & Reinsurance Brokers team

Andrew Blair
Andrew Blair


Mark Sutton
Mark Sutton


Mandip Singh Sagoo
Mandip Singh Sagoo


James Preece
James Preece


Louisa Robbins
Louisa Robbins


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