Debt Recovery

Long experience as counsel in aviation debt recovery actions

Our debt recovery team has many years’ experience acting as counsel for IATA, including its member airlines, against major clearing banks over liability to account for trust monies arising from ticket sales or cancelled flights, as well as advising clients for related debt recovery actions, and asset tracing, against defaulting travel agents.

Our seasoned aviation lawyers have wide experience in aviation debt recovery actions (including asset seizures and bankruptcy proceedings), across multiple jurisdictions including the Afghanistan, Bahrain, Dubai, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Mainland China, Moldova, Philippines, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, UK, Ukraine and the US.

We offer a no win, no fee service for aviation debt recovery in Mainland China.

We have also recently begun to work in conjunction with a pioneering provider of dispute finance (i.e. third party funding), in relation to work of this nature. This has included closing a Corporate Portfolio Deal with an aviation client, which is the largest Corporate Portfolio Deal in the history of disputes funding. 

Our Debt Recovery team

Chris Burdett
Chris Burdett


Tom van der Wijngaart
Tom van der Wijngaart


Fabrice Pradon
Fabrice Pradon


Grégory Laville de la Plaigne
Grégory Laville de la Plaigne


Enrique Navarro
Enrique Navarro


Kevin Sutherland
Kevin Sutherland


Peter Macara
Peter Macara


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