FuelEU and EU ETS Deep Dive Seminar
08.30 - 10.30CET
FuelEU and EU ETS Deep Dive Seminar
Fuel EU and EU ETS Deep Dive Seminar
Clyde & Co and Ocean Score invite you to this seminar on the occasion of the Marine Money Conference, Hamburg.
Our Partner Dr Clemens Hillmer will give an overview of legal risks and solutions:
- How are the risks distributed?
- How do DoC holders really protect themselves?
- How are statutory reimbursement claims under FuelEU enforced?
- S&P: What needs to be considered? Fuel EU: a new maritime lien?
- What are the implications for financing banks?
Albrecht Grell, Managing Director of OceanScore, will discuss risks and opportunities related to EU ETS and FuelEU as well as to how they are implemented in Charter Party and Shipman clauses.
- How to efficiently manage the ever more complex commercial processes?
- How to maintain transparency?
- Burn biofuels or pool compliance deficits?
After the lectures, there will be a small networking breakfast.
Dr. Clemens Hillmer, LL.M. (UCT)
Speaker OceanScore:
Albrecht Grell, Managing Director