Inclusion matters

As a global business, we recognise that developing innovative inclusion programmes really matters.

As a global business, we recognise that developing innovative inclusion programmes really matters.

We recruit and retain our people with the aim of being representative of the communities and cultures in which we work. We recently launched our Legal Insight for Future Talent programme aimed at providing invaluable insight and professional development within the legal sector.

We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and strive to create an environment where our people feel  happy, respected and able to be themselves at work. We partner with a number of external organisations who help us with our work in this area, for example our partnership with The Tall Wall to support working families.

Our careers team works with organisations to support us in recruiting diverse talent. They include Aspiring Solicitors, RARE, The Bright Network and MyGwork. We are also the sponsor of the University of Durham Law Faculty’s First Generation Scholars Network.

We also recently launched the 'Clyde & Co Academy', which is a mentoring scheme aimed at ethnically diverse students.

If you would like more information about our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, please contact us on


Pay Gap Reports

UK Pay Gap Report


Australia Gender Pay Gap Report


Other Reports

Responsibility Matters Programme

View the report

My Careers Journey: Reflections and insights from women at Clyde & Co

Read our e-book

UK Diversity Statistics 2019

View the report

UK Diversity Statistics 2021

View the report

Mindfulness Business Charter

In 2021, Clyde & Co signed the Mindful Business Charter, joining a wide range of businesses and professional service firms around the world in a collective commitment to address the avoidable stresses in our working practices, to promote healthier and more effective ways of working. Launched in 2018, the Charter brings organisations and their service providers together to reach a shared agenda.  By signing the Charter, we have committed to abiding by a set of principles centred on openness and respect for each other, improved communication, respect for working hours and considerate delegation of tasks.

In the midst of all of the upheaval and change brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Mindful Business Charter continues to provide organisations and individuals with the framework, permission and challenge to dare to be different and to work together across the business community to rehumanise the workplace. Its’ focus on creating an open and respectful culture and dialogue seeks to ensure that whatever the   broader context in which we are being required to work, how we work and how we interact with each other should be thoughtful, mindful, and shaped as far as possible to eliminate unnecessary stress so that we can work both more effectively and more healthily – so that we can all thrive.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Clyde & Co is proud to launch its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a Reflect RAP. Endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, our RAP lays the foundations for our reconciliation initiatives and provides a strong platform for our collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities to further the cause of reconciliation.

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Working families

In 2018 we launched a partnership with My Family Care to support our working families, providing all UK employees with access to an online portal, funded emergency back-up care sessions for elderly relatives, and childcare and parental leave toolkits.

Our employee network groups provide a platform for people around the firm to identify the areas where they can drive change and help to advance the diversity agenda. GECCO focuses on gender equality, Pryde & Co is our LGBT+ network, and we recently relaunched ACED (Achieving Cultural and Ethnic Diversity) network.

Throughout the year we organise events to engage our people in diversity and inclusion issues and increase their understanding and awareness of particular topics.

Bright Network

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring diverse representation in our firm at all levels, we have a strong partnership with the student talent organisation Bright Network. Our Early Careers team were recently awarded the ‘Best Employer and Supplier Partnership’ at the 2021 Institute of Student Employer awards. Our partnership has shifted the dial on encouraging under-represented groups to enter the legal profession and ensure the firm attracts the very best talent at entry level. This relationship is a blueprint for the sector and other city-based firms to become truly inclusive within their student engagement and attraction strategies.

Another example of our partnership with Bright Network is the recent launch of the ‘Clyde & Co Academy’, an ongoing mentoring scheme giving tailored advice, workshops and career development tools for students from ethnically diverse backgrounds. The Early Careers team and the ACED network are collaborating on this initiative and hope to offer positions the top talent from the Academy positions at the firm.

Community matters

We believe that charitable activity in our communities really matters and makes a difference.

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Wellbeing matters

We are building a diverse and inclusive working environment where we support our people to flourish, to find a balance between their personal and professional lives, and to manage their everyday challenges.

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Pro bono matters

Our legal experts are able to allocate up to 50 hours per year from their formal work schedule to pro bono activities.

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Internal Inclusion Networks

Our employee network groups provide a platform for people around the firm to identify the areas where they can drive change and help to advance the diversity agenda. We have three established networks;


The Gender Equality at Clyde & Co (GECCO) Initiative aims to achieve equality at Clyde & Co and to support the firm in building a more diverse workplace. Through their work internally, they seek to educate colleagues and clients on a wide range of gender related topics through events, speakers and communications.


ACED (Achieving Cultural and Ethnic Diversity) is the firm's cultural and ethnic diversity network which seeks to address and tackle issues relevant to ethnically diverse employees while providing all members of staff a place to share and celebrate their culture and ethnicity. One example of the work that our ACED network have undertaken is supporting the firm adopting The Halo Code, the UK's first Black hair code, which “explicitly protects employees who come to work with natural hair and protective hairstyles associated with their racial, ethnic, and cultural identities”.

Pryde & Co

Pryde & Co is the firm’s diversity and inclusion network for LGBTQ+ colleagues and their allies.

The aim of Pryde & Co is to provide a support network within the firm and to educate colleagues about the issues facing LGBTQ+ people today. Pryde & Co aims to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace through initiatives relating to education and awareness, networking, mentorship, community engagement, business impact and employee resources.

We have Pryde & Co. networks in the UK, North America and Australia. The networks collaborate on global awareness raising on days of significance in the LGBTQ+ community, such as Pride Month and Coming Out Day. Our networks host Pride Social events such as Mardi Gras in Sydney, network members participate in events such as London Pride March, and provide pro bono support to Rainbow Railroad, a charity working to help LGBTQIA+ people escape violence and oppression around the world.

We have partnered with organisations such as My G Work, Stonewall and National Student Pride in the UK and Pride in Diversity in Australia to assist us on our journey.