Balados sur la transformation numérique (en anglais)
Les expert·e·s de Clyde & Cie explorent les risques et les occasions résultant du passage au numérique dans leurs industries.
Our digital transformation episodes
Digital transformation is at the top of the corporate agenda across different sectors. Join lawyers specialising in technology, cyber and data as they discuss how businesses are adapting to challenges and embracing opportunities presented by the rapid digital change, ranging from a rise in cyber-attacks to data privacy concerns, people and employment issues, and the need to balance innovation with compliance.
22 avril 2024
Digital resilience podcast series | Episode 3: Blockchain beyond crypto: use-cases and key risks
Welcome to the third episode of our Digital Resilience podcast series, in which host Dino Wilkinson explores the opportunities and risks associated with blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies. In this instalment, Wilkinson is joined by Rachel Cropper-Mawer, co-Chair of Clyde & Co’s Regulatory and Investigations Practice Group based in London, Jehan-Philippe Wood, a litigation and investigations and disputes partner based in Perth, and Liam Hennessy, a regulatory practitioner and partner based in Brisbane.
9 janvier 2024
Digital resilience podcast series | Episode 2: AI could be a minefield for employment law risks
This is the second episode of our Digital Resilience podcast series in which host, Dino Wilkinson, explores the risks associated with digital transformation in the realm of data and artificial intelligence (AI). This episode looks at workplace-related risks arising from employers’ and employees’ use of AI and highlights the recent European Court of Justice decision on automated decision-making in the SCHUFA case. Guest speakers for this episode are employment law specialists James Major, Partner in Clyde & Co’s London office and Cynthia Aoki, Partner in the Canada office.
28 septembre 2023
Digital resilience podcast series | Episode 1 | Intellectual property and data privacy issues in art
Following on from our successful Digital Transformation series, this is the first episode of our new Digital Resilience podcast that focuses on managing risks in a digital world. This first instalment looks at the intellectual property (IP) and data privacy issues that arise from the use and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Our series host Dino Wilkinson is joined by Chris Williams, Partner in Clyde & Co’s intellectual property disputes practice in London, and Masha Ooijevaar, a Senior Associate in Dubai who advises clients on data protection and cybersecurity.
15 février 2023
Digital transformation podcast - Series 1, Episode 8: Blockchain | Digital asset risk and insurabili
This episode of our Digital Transformation podcast series, hosted by Dino Wilkinson, focuses on the risks and insurability of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). To explore this fast-moving area of law and insurance, Wilkinson is joined by Georgia Amos, expert in cyber risk, data, and technology, along with Karen Boto, a partner in the insurance group who specialises in emerging risks in fintech and insurance.
15 décembre 2022
Digital transformation podcast - Series 1, Episode 7: Blockchain | Unlocking the blockchain
Senior executives and general counsel are now frequently hearing consultants and business teams talking about the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. This podcast aims to shed light on some of the key areas of interest and concern by exploring blockchain, cryptocurrency and NFTs in turn, outlining how they work, and discussing the risks and challenges involved and how they might develop in the future.
Displaying 1 to 5 of 11 episodes
Contact our Technology, Outsourcing and Data team
Mark Williamson
Pierre Affagard
Lee Bacon
Sina Bahadoran
Ian Birdsey
Helen Bourne
Nigel Brook
Dean Carrigan
Joyce Chan
Thomas Choo
Managing Partner
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