Balados sur l’assurance dommages (en anglais)

Notre équipe experte consacrée à l’assurance dommages fait le point sur les activités dans l’industrie du droit et le marché sectoriel.

Our Casualty episodes

This podcast channel features in in-depth conversations with our casualty specialists on the latest developments in the field.

9 juillet 2024

Tomorrow’s World: A Spinal Injury Update

In our latest podcast, Chris Eccles and Dr. Jan Gawronski delve into the advancements in spinal cord injury treatment and research.

21 mai 2024

Violence against retail workers: the law & what it means for retailers

The recent government announcement that the assault of a shop worker is to be made a separate criminal offence in England & Wales is an encouraging development but also means that retailers will also need to review their approach to health & safety.

13 décembre 2023

Maximising the benefit of case management in brain injury cases: An insurer's perspective

In this podcast, Helen Kanczes and Emma Eccles from the Clyde & Co Brain Injury Subject Matter Group are joined by Becky Simpson, Head of Neurology and Acquired Brain Injury Services at Enable Therapy Services to discuss early case management intervention in brain injury cases from an insurer’s perspective.

6 décembre 2023

Casualty Market Update: PIDR, JCG, OICP and FRCs - a podcast of acronyms

This podcast takes stock of recent activity and developments relating to the Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR), the expected next edition of the Judicial College Guideline (JCG) for general damages, the Official Injury Claims Portal (OICP) and the extension of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRCs) in 2023 and looks forward to what we may see in these areas in 2024.

1 novembre 2023

Exo-Skeletons: What is on the market and what lies ahead in this field?

This podcast delves into the world of exoskeletons, discussing the distinctiveness of specific devices, their typical appropriateness, success factors, and what lies ahead in this field.

Displaying 1 to 5 of 23 episodes

Our Casualty team

Hannah Brierley
Hannah Brierley


Kim Bracewell
Kim Bracewell

Legal Director

Paul Smith
Paul Smith

Legal Director

Alison Tyler
Alison Tyler


Assurance et réassurance

Une présence et une expérience mondiales inégalées dans tous les secteurs de l’assurance.

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