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Harry Swinton



Harry Swinton

Harry Swinton



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Harry is a dispute resolution lawyer focussed on a variety of hard and soft commodity trade disputes, as well as regulatory and white-collar crime investigations.

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Harry is an Associate in the International Trade Dispute Resolution group, currently based in London. His practice focusses on large scale commercial arbitration and litigation work for a variety of hard and soft commodity companies and traders, advising on all manner of trade disputes as well as contract terms, negotiation and drafting.

Harry also advises on regulatory issues relating to international trade, such as economic sanctions, compliance and anti-bribery, and has experience of conducting internal investigations, as well as advising and assisting clients with various regulatory investigations.

Harry has spent time working in the Firm’s Dar es Salaam office, and has experience of conducting disputes, and assisting clients generally, in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and the wider East African Community region.

Alongside the High Court of England & Wales, Harry has experience of the main arbitral forums, including the LCIA and ICC, as well as the specialist trade institutes such as LMAA, GAFTA, FOSFA and SAL.

Harry also has experience of acting as Administrative Secretary to ICC Tribunals.

  • Conducting GBP200m High Court action relating to a disputed appropriation of a client’s shares in a joint venture.
  • Conducting USD240m LCIA arbitration relating to alleged distortion of the price of steel in a particular market designed to wrongly trigger windfall payment.
  • Advising client in relation to HMRC, SFO and PRA investigations, including conducting extensive global internal investigations
  • Advised and represented major steel trader in USD250m ICC arbitration regarding a dispute arising out of a supply and off-take agreement, as well as a joint venture arrangement establishing a steel mill in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Conducted EUR100m ICC arbitration concerning a dispute arising out of the sale and purchase of a significant European aluminium smelter.
  • Managed LCIA arbitration against Indian counterparty regarding the failure to open a Letter of Credit.
  • Managed LCIA arbitration regarding a dispute arising out of the sale and purchase of key Scottish aluminium smelter.
  • Assisted with internal investigation for soft commodity client relating to the CumEx-Files.
  • Appointed as Administrative Secretary to ICC Tribunal regarding misuse of intellectual property by an Israeli security and surveillance firm.


  • Commerce et biens de consommation

  • Énergie et ressources naturelles



  • Arbitrage international

  • Litiges commerciaux

  • Réglementation et enquêtes
