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Felipe V. Sperandio



Felipe V. Sperandio

Felipe V. Sperandio


Felipe specialises in international commercial arbitration and complex cross-border litigation. He has a successful track-record in large, complex, and technical construction disputes. He also lectures on International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary University of London, and sits as arbitrator.

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Profil & Expérience

Felipe specialises in international commercial arbitration and complex cross-border litigation. He has a successful track-record in large, complex, and technical construction disputes. He also lectures on International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary University of London, and sits as arbitrator.

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Felipe is recognised by the market as one of the leading Latin American dispute specialists based London.

His deep understanding of the business environment in Latin America is recognised by the companies from that region as a valuable asset in securing the resolution of international disputes on a cost-effective basis. 

Dual-qualified as a solicitor and Brazilian lawyer, he has notable experience in disputes related to (i) oil & gas projects; (ii) construction of hydroelectric power plants, steelmaking plants, wind farms, industrial solar parks, refineries, road systems, seaports, airports, nuclear powerplants, and commercial and residential developments; (iii) mining and exports of natural resources; (iv) sale and purchase of minerals needed to produce fertilisers, (v) swap, finance and financial advisor contracts related to infrastructure projects; and (iv) trading of commodities.

Felipe also lectures at Queen Mary University of London on International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution in the LL.M. (Master) degree. 

Published several academic works which have been cited in judgments rendered by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice and Court of Appeals. 

  • Representing two South American contractors in ICC arbitration against a consortium of oil companies in a USD 130 million claim and USD 360 million counterclaims. Disputes arising out of an EPC contract for the construction of eight offshore oil platforms (FPSOs).
  • Represented a Brazilian steel-making conglomerate in ICC arbitration against two Chinese engineering companies in USD 150+ million claims and USD 35 million counterclaims. Obtained a favourable settlement to our client. 
  •  Advising a Brazilian contractor on the validity and enforceability of an arbitration agreement against an Angolan state-owned entity, in a USD 90 million claim. Also advising on third party funding prior to commencing ICC arbitration.  
  • Represented a US manufacturer in a 90 days' ICC arbitration seated in New York and governed by Brazilian substantive law. Disputes related to the stoppage in the production of one of the largest aluminium refineries in the world. Successfully bound a non-signatory to the arbitration, and prevailed both on jurisdiction and on the merits. Further, represented the client in enforcement proceedings in Brazil under the New York Convention. This case resulted in the Superior Court of Justice's precedent on binding non-signatories to an arbitration agreement. 
  • Represented one of the largest South American construction companies in a USD 180 million LCIA arbitration seated in London, against a Central American state-owned entity. The disputes related to a FIDIC contract for the construction of a highway system. Successfully bound the non-signatory State to the arbitration, and defeated parallel litigation proceedings in the home courts of that State.
  • Represented international reinsures in parallel litigation proceedings in Brazil and England, with three subsequent LCIA arbitrations in London, governed by Brazilian substantive law. The USD 1+ billion dispute related to the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon.  This case became the precedent in England in relation to the law applicable to the arbitration agreement.
  • Represented a South American mining company in four consolidated LCIA arbitrations seated in London. The disputes related to mining operations in Zambia. Parallel court proceedings in Brazil, Zambia, and England – the latter resulting in the legal precedent in relation to the jurisdiction of national courts to grant injunctions prior to the constitution of an arbitral tribunal. Successfully defended set aside proceedings in the English High Court, and obtained a world-wide freezing injunction in the English courts against the opposing party. Represented the client (together with local counsel) in proceedings to enforce the awards in Zambia, creating the precedent in that jurisdiction in relation to the interpretation of international public policy under the New York Convention. 
  • Represented Brazilian mining and trading companies against a group of banks in USD 230+ million CCBC arbitration seated in São Paulo. One of the largest banking and finance arbitrations in Brazilian history. Successfully defeated 97% of the claims brought by the banks.
  • Representing a Brazilian fertiliser cooperative in composite LCIA arbitration in London against a state-owed entity. The ongoing dispute arises from non-delivery of potash. 
  • Represented a Brazilian large oil producer against a Romanian shipyard in LLMA arbitration related to the delays in the retrofit and supply of a vessel. Recovered all the losses to the client.  
  • Represented a Peruvian purchaser of oil in FOSFA arbitration against a Colombian seller. Obtained a favourable settlement to the client.  
  • Representing a Turkish multinational agribusiness company in ICC arbitration related to the construction of large facilities in the only deep-water seaport in Iraq.
  •  Acting in a high-profile litigation in the High Court related to the sale of brokerage houses in the Bahamas, and undisclosed deposits by the largest global cryptocurrency stablecoin. 
  • Acted as arbitrator in disputes related to construction projects and commercial contracts, both Brazilian, English, and Spanish law.
  • Advised South American companies in settlement discussions in China, USA, England, Angola, the Netherlands, and Trinidad Tobago.


  • Énergie et ressources naturelles

  • Énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable

  • Infrastructures

  • Matières premières non renouvelables

  • Mines et ressources naturelles

  • Pétrole et gaz

  • Transports



  • Arbitrage international

  • Différends commerciaux

  • Droit maritime

  • Litiges financiers et bancaires

  • Projets et construction