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Dr. Katia Rener



Dr. Katia Rener

Dr. Katia Rener



Katia Rener

Katia Rener


Katia is a member of Clyde & Co’s Global Arbitration Group, advising and representing both private and state parties in complex domestic and international arbitrations and cross-border litigations.

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Profil & Expérience

Katia is a member of Clyde & Co’s Global Arbitration Group, advising and representing both private and state parties in complex domestic and international arbitrations and cross-border litigations.

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Katia is a German-qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) advising and representing clients in domestic and international arbitration proceedings and complex cross-border disputes. Her practice covers a wide range of sectors, including international trade (CISG and non-CISG related matters), corporate (joint venture and post M&A), energy (offshore wind, PV and CSP) as well as construction disputes under all major arbitration rules and a variety of substantive laws. She also sits as arbitrator. 

Prior to joining Clyde & Co in 2022, Katia worked as a Senior Counsel at the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) where she supervised hundreds of arbitrations and was a member of the drafting committee for the 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules, as a lawyer at a renowned Swiss law firm in Zurich, Switzerland where she also served as tribunal secretary to one of the most sought-after arbitrators in Switzerland, and for three international law firms in London, UK and Frankfurt, Germany. 

She holds additional degrees in French law (Maîtrise en droit) and Polish law (LL.M.) as well as a Ph.D. in international commercial sales law. Her working languages are English, German and French, and she speaks Italian and Polish at a conversational level. 

  • Representing a contractor in a high-volume multi-jurisdictional dispute relating to the construction of an offshore wind farm located in the strait of Taiwan. 
  • Advising a major steel contractor in the context of disputes (ICC arbitrations) with various subcontractors out of a contract for the construction, transport and installation of offshore transformer platforms.
  • Representing a Middle Eastern petrochemical distributor in a dispute against a multinational petrochemical world market leader.
  • Representing a multi-national insurance company in a multi-jurisdictional dispute involving, among others, a VIAC arbitration seated in Vienna.
  • Representing a German family office in enforcement proceedings in Germany following an ICC arbitration. 
  • Representing a developer/ project owner of a German offshore windfarm in a domestic arbitration. 
  • Representing an aerospace engineering company in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland. 
  • Representing a German manufacturing company in an ICC arbitration seated in Switzerland under the CISG. 
  • Sitting as arbitrator under the DIS rules as well as ad hoc and acting as tribunal secretary in several complex, high-value arbitrations under different institutional rules (ICC, SIAC, VIAC, Swiss Rules).  

Speaking Engagements: 

  • Guest lecturer at the Universities of Cologne (Cologne Academies), Kiel and Würzburg and the Swiss Arbitration Academy
  • Multi-Party Proceedings under the new DIS Arbitrations Rules - a Review. DIS40 Virtual Conference
  • Dispute Resolution in the Construction Industry in Switzerland and Germany, International Virtual Conference on Future of Dispute Resolution in Infrastructure Sector, ADANI Institute of Infrastructure, Gujarat, India
  • Publication of Awards – Chances and Risks, Young ITA-YAAP Joint Conference, Vienna, Austria
  • Settlement Facilitation by the Arbitral Tribunal, Joint Conference Arbitration Ireland and DIS, Dublin, Ireland
  • Institutional Practices: Behind the Scenes, DIS40-, YIAG-, PCA-Event, London, UK
  • Impact of Brexit on International Arbitration, Arbitration Ireland Young Practitioners' Seminar, Dublin, Ireland
  • Meet your Case Manager, DIS40-, YAAP-, ArbIt-, YAS- Event, Frankfurt, Germany

Selected Publications
  • Are we turning French? A comparative perspective on the BGH Decision of 9.3.2023, in German Arbitration Journal (German Arb. J.). SchiedsVZ 01/2024, C.H. Beck. Authors: Georg Scherpf, Victor Gontard and Dr Katia Rener
  • Arbitral Institutions: The DIS Rules in Action, in: Hunter, Nariman, Dave & Paulsson (ed.), Handbook on Arbitration in India, Wolters Kluwer 2021. Authors: James Menz and Katia Rener 
  • Wirtschaftsmediation – Ideale Ergänzung zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (Business Mediation – Ideal Addition to Arbitration) in: Anwalts Revue de l’Avocat (Swiss Bar Association Review)11-12/20. Authors: Urs Weber-Stecher and Katia Rener. 
  • Rechtsmängelhaftung in internationalen Warenkaufverträgen (Third party rights in international commercial sales contracts), doctoral thesis, Duncker & Humblot 2019


  • Commerce et biens de consommation

  • Énergie et ressources naturelles

  • Infrastructures



  • Arbitrage international

  • Différends commerciaux

  • Règlement de différends
