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Simon Morrow



Simon Morrow

Simon Morrow



Simon Morrow

Simon Morrow


Simon Morrow is a partner in our Manchester office. He is specialised in defending disease claims related to workplace exposure to dust, particularly asbestos-related claims and actions for workplace stress.

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Profil & Expérience

Simon Morrow is a partner in our Manchester office. He is specialised in defending disease claims related to workplace exposure to dust, particularly asbestos-related claims and actions for workplace stress.

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Profil complet

Simon Morrow is a partner in our Manchester office. He has considerable experience acting for a wide array of personal injury claims. 

Among his expertise are matters related to workplace accidents, assaults, abuse, bullying, harassment and work overload. He is also versed in matters involving exposure to harmful substances, noise, vibration, repetitive movements and heavy lifting.

He also manages a team of 20 lawyers dedicated to resolving occupational disease litigation. His team covers claims for insurers, corporates and individuals across England, Wales and occasionally beyond.

Currently, Simon specialises in defending disease claims related to workplace exposure to dust, particularly asbestos-related claims and actions for workplace stress.

Simon’s expertise has gained him a lot of notoriety over the years. He regularly produces articles, speaks at events and delivers training on matters to do with occupational disease claims.



  • Assurance dommages

  • Assurance et réassurance

  • Fraude

  • Maladies professionnelles et réclamations de legs

  • Responsabilité civile et de l’employeur

  • Sécurité, santé, environnement et droit réglementaire
