Benefits of sports to people with spinal injuries and the future of wheelchair sport

  • Balado 21 septembre 2023 21 septembre 2023
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe

  • Casualty claims

  • Assurance et réassurance

Martin McElhatton OBE, Chief Executive of WheelPower and Kate Duffy, partner, explore the growth in the paralympic movement and the benefits of sports to people with spinal injuries.

In this episode, Martin and Kate will be exploring the history of WheelPower and Stoke Mandeville (the birthplace of the paralympic movement), the growth in the paralympic movement, the benefits of sports to people with spinal injuries and what the future may hold for wheelchair sports. We will also hear from Martin about his own journey to this point, as Chief Executive of WheelPower. 


Auteurs supplémentaires:

Martin McElhatton OBE, Chief Executive, WheelPower

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