Being a Regional MEA Employer: Tanzania

  • Balado 7 mars 2023 7 mars 2023
  • Afrique

  • Top workplace issues

  • Emploi, pensions et immigration

Our Being a Regional MEA Employer series addresses the employment framework, legislative changes and challenges impacting employers and employees across a variety of jurisdictions. Our second episode focuses on Tanzania, an economic hub in the East African region.

Tanzania is one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. It is anticipated that Tanzania’s economic growth will continue to strengthen. The Bank of Tanzania (BOT) reported that in the last quarter of 2022, Tanzania’s economic contribution comes from the growing population, investments, agriculture, mining, mineral resources, and tourism. There are a number of ongoing projects which are likely to be of interest to investors considering Tanzania as an investment destination. The filling of water into the Stiegler’s Gorge dam started in December 2022, the Stiegler’s Gorge Hydroelectric Power Plant is likely to generate 2100MW of electricity which will be pumped into the national grid. The Tanzania Standard Gauge Railway is under construction and will link the country to Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda as a part of the East African Railway Master plan.  

In this episode, Senior Associate Amy Guest invites Partner, Aliko Simon to discuss the dynamic employment space in Tanzania and seek to answer the following questions:

  1. From an employer’s perspective what are the key things an employer needs to know?
  2. What are the opportunities for businesses? Where do you see a lot of activity taking place?
  3. Is the employment framework employer friendly or employee friendly?
  4. What’s on the horizon in the coming months?

During this episode, employers and businesses will gain an understanding of the employment framework and a market update in Tanzania.

Our employment specialists assist employers with the full range of issues which arise in the workplace on a day-to-day basis. If you have any questions regarding the employment framework in Tanzania, please contact Sara Khoja, Aliko Simon or Elodie Chalhoub.

Learn more about our offering in Tanzania


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