The recovery forecast for Spain's construction sector after COVID-19

  • Balado 1 février 2021 1 février 2021
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe

  • Infrastructures

This update forms part of the Year in Review 2020 series. This year, against the backdrop of COVID-19, the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the construction sector in Spain and its recovery forecast will undoubtedly be questioned.

The Spanish construction sector has operated with major restrictions that have been higher than those of many other European countries throughout 2020. However, we can now expect to see a continuation of work that was halted and an increased pick-up of the development of infrastructure projects. 

In this podcast, Socio Luis García and Associate Marina Arancón explore the present status and the future forecasts of the construction sector in Spain, taking into consideration the fact that much of the focus in Spain will be on its recovery in 2021.

This podcast forms part of our Projects & Construction Year in Review 2020 commentary.

To hear more, visit our Year in Review hub here.


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