Droit fiscal

Clyde & Co conseille ses clients de l’ensemble des domaines, des services et des professions en matière de fiscalité commerciale et d’entreprise pour les aider à se conformer à la loi, à réduire les risques au minimum et à maximiser leurs avantages.

Des conseils et avis sur toutes les facettes de la fiscalité commerciale.

Nous offrons des conseils d’expert en fiscalité à des organisations nationales et internationales en tirant parti de la force de notre réseau mondial de bureaux. Nos orientations et notre soutien reflètent ainsi la loi et les pratiques locales pertinentes.

Nos spécialistes en fiscalité collaborent étroitement avec les équipes de nos clients qui s’occupent de questions d’affaires, commerciales et financières pour réduire le plus possible les impôts à payer par la société et maximiser les allègements fiscaux obtenus. Nos services touchent notamment les aspects fiscaux des fusions et acquisitions, des restructurations, des inscriptions et des coentreprises.

En tant que juristes de premier plan du marché des assurances, nous servons les entreprises ainsi que les marchés Lloyd’s et répondons aux besoins des preneurs fermes, des agents et des courtiers. Nous connaissons bien les rouages des régimes fiscaux relatifs aux primes d’assurance et agissons au nom d’assureurs et d’assurés dans des cas d’indemnisation professionnelle.

Nous travaillons également dans le domaine de l’immobilier, où nous fournissons des conseils fiscaux de pointe sur toutes les transactions, dont les aspects fiscaux des avantages sociaux et mesures d’incitation pour les employés, les droits de douane et les taxes à l’importation, les conflits et enquêtes douaniers.

Toujours prêts à collaborer avec les équipes de fiscalité interne de nos clients, nous leur offrons des réflexions nouvelles et des opinions différentes pour les aider à atteindre l’issue optimale pour chaque affaire. Nous sommes aussi heureux d’offrir des formations sur les nouveautés en matière d’opérations et de pratique fiscales.

Notre travail en matière de droit fiscal

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • African Barrick Gold - offshore share sale transaction

    Advising African Barrick Gold - on an offshore share sale transaction where Tanzania Revenue Authority sought to assess tax in Tanzania


    AIG - European distribution agreement with HSBC

    • Advising AIG (including in respect of certain tax matters) on an exclusive European distribution agreement with HSBC concerning the distribution of all insurance products and the acquisition of HSBC's French insurance company.   

    United Kingdom

    AMTrust Financial Corporation Inc. - integrated Lloyd's Vehicle

    Acting for the purchaser, (including in respect of tax matters) in relation to an integrated Lloyd’s vehicle (managing agent and capital provider for both a life and non-life Lloyd’s syndicate) and a Cayman reinsurer (transaction value circa GBP 256 million)

    United Kingdom

    AMTrust Financial Services - purchase of mortgage insurance business

    • Advising AM trust Financial Services on the tax aspects of its recent cash purchase from Genworth Financial Inc. of its European mortgage-insurance business (tangible book value of the operations circa USD 155 million)

    United Kingdom

    Ares Property Management - acquisition of retail parks

    • Advising Ares Property Management on tax issues concernign their acquisition of a number of significant retail parks in the UK from Land Securities.

    United Kingdom

    Arriva Rail North Ltd. - Northern Rail franchise

    • Advising Arriva Rail North Limited (including in respect of tax matters) on the transfer and acquisition of the Northern Rail franchise.

    United Kingdom

    BRF S.A - joint venture with INVICTA Food Group

    • Advising BRF S.A. (the world’s seventh largest food company by market capitalisation) on the tax aspects of its joint venture with the UK’s INVICTA Food Group

    United Kingdom

    BW Offshore - Floating Production Strorage and Offloading Vessel

    • Advising BW Offshore on certain UK tax issues in relation to the USD800 million financing of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel for the Catcher Field development, including in relation to the security documents and co-ordination agreement between the borrower/BWO group, the lenders and Premier Oil, the field operator, and its joint venture partners. 

    United Kingdom

    Cathederal Group - redevlopment project Brighton

    Advising Cathedral Group on the tax aspects of the Circus Street property redevelopment in Brighton involving the Council and the University

    United Kingdom

    Cathedral Group - Brighton regeneration project

    • Advising Cathedral Group (Circus Street Project) on the tax aspects of a major regeneration project in Brighton involving Brighton Council and the University of Brighton.

    United Kingdom
  • New Age (African Global Energy) Limited - acquisition of Cameroon assets

    • Advising New Age (African Global Energy) Limited – on tax matters concerning its acquisition of a 12.5% interest in the Etinde permit, offshore Cameroon.


    Tandrill Tanzania Limited - tax enforcement advice

    Advising Tandrill Tanzania Limited - tax advice concerning proceedings by the Tanzania Revenue Authority to enforce a higher withholding tax rate from a company (Tandrill) providing technical mining services


    African Barrick Gold - offshore share sale transaction

    Advising African Barrick Gold - on an offshore share sale transaction where Tanzania Revenue Authority sought to assess tax in Tanzania

  • Dixon Insurance Services Limited - insurance premium tax appeal

    Advising Dixon Insurance Services Limited (DISL), part of the Dixons Group, on it's successful insurance premium tax (IPT) appeal, establishing the leading case on 'location of risk'.

    United Kingdom

    Harbour Hotels Group Ltd. - facility agreement with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc

    • Advising Harbour Hotels Group Limited - on various tax matters, concerning the £86 million multi-tranche facility agreement entered into with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, securing a number of award winning hotel properties in the South West and advising the group on a complex mixed-use development of a harbour front in Southampton including the construction of a hotel, residential apartments and commercial/retail units, acting for the developer/borrower.

    United Kingdom

    RK Harrison Holdings Ltd. – advising on acquisition by Hyperion Insurance Group Ltd.

    • Advising RK Harrison Holdings Limited –  in relation to the acquisition by Hyperion Insurance Group Limited through a court scheme of arrangement.  Certain classes of shares were held by an employee benefit trust (EBT) for the RK Harrison employees. Advising the trustees of the EBT on tax issues concerning the scheme of arrangement.

    United Kingdom

    Novae/CNA - tax indemnity insurance

    • Advising the insurers on the tax ramifications and tax strategies of various tax indemnity insurance policies relating to different tax planning risks, including in relation to capital gains tax planning (using offshore trusts) and employee incentive.

    United Kingdom

    Pirium - sale to Five Arrows

    • Advising the founder shareholders of Pirium on their sale of Pirium to Five Arrows Principal Investments, the mid-market private equity fund backed by the Rothschild Group, and Camwell Management.

    United Kingdom

    Lai Sun Group - property acquisition worth £167 million

    • Advising Lai Sun Group on the tax aspects of a on significant property acquisition of two sites in the City square mile for a combined purchase price of £167 million.

    United Kingdom

    SIMEC and Liberty House Groups - business acquisitions

    • Advising (including in respect of tax) SIMEC and Liberty House Groups, owned by the Gupta family, on their strategic acquisition of Caparo's Speciality Steels tubular solutions and advanced engineering businesses in two deals. 

    United Kingdom

    BW Offshore - Floating Production Strorage and Offloading Vessel

    • Advising BW Offshore on certain UK tax issues in relation to the USD800 million financing of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel for the Catcher Field development, including in relation to the security documents and co-ordination agreement between the borrower/BWO group, the lenders and Premier Oil, the field operator, and its joint venture partners. 

    United Kingdom

    Arriva Rail North Ltd. - Northern Rail franchise

    • Advising Arriva Rail North Limited (including in respect of tax matters) on the transfer and acquisition of the Northern Rail franchise.

    United Kingdom

    Ares Property Management - acquisition of retail parks

    • Advising Ares Property Management on tax issues concernign their acquisition of a number of significant retail parks in the UK from Land Securities.

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe spécialisée en droit fiscal

Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

David Blumenthal
David Blumenthal


Rachel Fox
Rachel Fox


Martin Quicke
Martin Quicke


Ray Smith
Ray Smith


Milena Szuniewicz-Wenzel
Milena Szuniewicz-Wenzel


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