Insolvabilité et restructuration

Clyde & Co offre des conseils commerciaux rapides, sensibles à ses clients qui sont mêlés à des cas d’insolvabilité et de restructuration, que ce soit à titre de créancier ou de débiteur, dans tous les territoires de compétence.

Du soutien à toutes les étapes du processus d’insolvabilité

Nous représentons des clients de toutes les tailles, quel que soit leur rôle dans une situation d’insolvabilité ou de restructuration. Nous maîtrisons la réglementation nationale et internationale et naviguons avec expertise dans des cas complexes touchant plusieurs territoires.

Notre priorité est toujours de comprendre intimement les circonstances et les objectifs des clients. Nous pouvons ainsi leur offrir des conseils et du soutien sur mesure tout au long du processus.

Nous avons une longue expérience des affaires litigieuses et non litigieuses, y compris les restructurations consensuelles. Nous agissons au nom de sociétés, séquestres, syndics autorisés en insolvabilité, administrateurs, financiers et administrateurs de régime de retraite. Pour veiller à ce que nos recommandations soient pragmatiques et pertinentes, nous nous appuyons sur nos connaissances approfondies du domaine.

Très conscients des changements dans le paysage des risques, nous faisons appel à notre expertise pour aider les clients à réagir aux difficultés et aux occasions à mesure qu’elles se présentent. Pour ce faire, nous pouvons aussi conseiller l’avocat général d’une organisation pour qu’il puisse assumer plus de responsabilités en matière d’évaluation des risques, de gestion des situations de crise et de direction éthique.

Nous savons que les litiges sont difficiles pour les sociétés insolvables et en difficulté. Lorsque leur entreprise fait l’objet d’une liquidation ou est soumise à d’autres procédures d’insolvabilité, nous pouvons également orienter nos clients dans le financement des réclamations en cas de litige.

Nous fournissons aussi des orientations sur les effets potentiels de nouveautés commerciales plus vastes, par exemple l’accélération rapide du recours aux technologies associées aux chaînes de blocs, aux contrats intelligents et à l’intelligence artificielle.

Notre travail en matière de droit de l’insolvabilité et de la restructuration

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Administration sale of biomass heating pellets business

    Acting for the administrators of a manufacturer of wood-based cat litter, horse bedding and biomass heating pellets.

    United Kingdom

    Afren Group

    Acting for a major African Bank which was a key secured lender to the Afren oil exploration group of companies. Actions included negotiating key documentation in relation to the restructuring of the Afren Group

    République centrafricaine

    Aircraft repair and maintenance

    Acting for the purchaser of an aircraft repair and maintenance business in negotiating a business and asset purchase.

    Acting for the administrators of an international distribution business and subsequently, acting on a European and UK side of the business.

    United Kingdom


    Acting for the Liberty Group in relation to their purchase of certain of the businesses and assets of two auto parts manufacturers in the UK, from PWC as administrators. Clydes advised the Liberty Group in relation to what they described as a “hugely important acquisition” for them which allows them to safeguard in excess of 550 jobs, whilst at the same time ensuring that the companies’ two largest customers, both major international car manufactures, were able to...

    United Kingdom

    Aviation recruitment business

    Acting for the administrators of a GBP 70 million turnover aviation recruitment business in effecting a pre-packaged sale of the business and assets

    United Kingdom

    Bank new development

    Acting for an agent bank in respect of a portfolio of nursing homes funded by GBP 200 million of syndicated debt.

    United Kingdom

    Financing Company

    Acting for the administrators of a prominent bridging finance company on a Court application for an administration order, the immediate sale of the business and assets, and a debt for equity swap.

    United Kingdom

    Numerous retail and casual dining CVAs

    Acting for various key stakeholders including debtor companies, landlords, shareholders and investors on a number of CVAs or other consensual restructurings of debt in the retail and casual dining sectors.

    United Kingdom

    Private equity houses and hedge funds acquisitions

    Acting on various high value acquisitions and in resolution of disputes for both private equity houses and hedge funds.

    United Kingdom

    Administration of wholesale food distribution business

    Acting for the administrators of a GBP 40 million turnover wholesale food distribution business to effect a pre-packaged sale of the company’s business and assets, ensuring a recovery for the receivables financiers on the sums advanced. This included advising on the realisation of the company’s debtor ledger.

    United Kingdom
  • Afren Group

    Acting for a major African Bank which was a key secured lender to the Afren oil exploration group of companies. Actions included negotiating key documentation in relation to the restructuring of the Afren Group

    République centrafricaine
  • MBI International & Partners Inc

    Acting for the liquidator of a BVI company and successfully obtaining costs orders against four respondents to an application under section 236 Insolvency Act on the basis that the respondents would not have co-operated with the liquidator’s enquiries without a court order for private examination.

    Îles vierges britanniques

    Sturgeon Central Asia Balanced Fund

    Acting for the joint provisional liquidators of a solvent investment fund on various issues, including recognition of their foreign proceeding, their investigations following the same, and a subsequent termination application in respect of the recognition.



    Value Discovery Partners

    Acting for the dissolution trustees of a BVI limited partnership on certain issues in the solvent liquidation of the same. Actions include dealing with and defending the estate, as appropriate, in relation to claims made by former professional advisors; and also acting for certain warrantors in Serbia on the sale of a portfolio of significant assets of the partnership

    Îles vierges britanniques

    Saad Investments

    Acting for the liquidators of an investment fund which is one of multiple defendants in a $9.2 billion fraud claim in the Grand Court in Cayman. Actions include obtaining an order from the High Court in London for recognition of the liquidation of the fund as a foreign proceeding under the Cross Border Insolvency Regulations; and following recognition, using section 236 of the Insolvency Act to obtain extensive documentation from financial institutions to assist the liquidators in the...

    îles Caïmans

    Lehman Brothers

    Acting for the liquidators of various estates in the Lehman Group. Actions have included reviewing the terms of a US plan of reorganisation in respect of various estates and advising on its impact on distributions to a UK estate; considering and advising on claims on behalf of a UK estate against various third parties and negotiating a multiparty release of rights and obligations under sale documentation, relating to mortgage backed securities

    United States

    Pension schemes

    Acting for two of the UK’s major pension schemes in contingency planning for the insolvency of the custodians of their cash and assets. The cases included advice on the impact of US insolvency on our clients’ rights and obligations

    United States
  • Garuda Airlines

    Representing Garuda Airlines in its application in the High Court under the Singapore Companies Act for sanction of a scheme of arrangement, involving a scheme debt of more than USD 350 million. The scheme of arrangement was sanctioned in parallel by both the English and Singapore courts, and involved litigation in both these jurisdictions initiated by an opposing creditor of the company


    Econ Piling Pte Ltd

    Acted in the judicial management of Econ Piling Pte Ltd, which was a landmark judicial management case in Singapore at the time


    A receiver and manager

    Successfully defended the receiver and manager in an insolvency case alleging breach of equitable duty of care when exercising the power of sale


    Represented a consortium of creditors in respect of issues arising from a Scheme of Arrangement

    Represented a consortium of creditors in respect of issues arising from a Scheme of Arrangement proposed by Armada Pte Ltd, and representing the consortium in successfully pushing for Armada to be placed into judicial management instead


    Represented the liquidators of Petroprod Ltd.

    Represented the liquidators of Petroprod Ltd., which entered into official liquidation in the Cayman Islands and compulsory liquidation in Singapore, in Singapore High Court and Court of Appeal proceedings. The claim was for the “claw-back” of more than SGD 10 million paid to the former managers of the company in a series of allegedly antecedent transactions. The Court of Appeal decision was a landmark one that decided on the arbitrability of claims in...


    Representing the liquidators of IMSPL Pte Ltd.

    Representing the liquidators of IMSPL Pte Ltd in the company’s application in the High Court of Singapore for sanctioning of a litigation funding agreement between the company, the liquidators and a third-party commercial litigation funder for the funding of the investigations and pursuit of the company’s claims. We are also advising the liquidators on the company’s claims, which span multiple jurisdictions and are estimated to be in the region of USD 60 million

  • Administration of a logistics company

    Acting for the administrators of City Trucks Limited, a major road haulage and logistics business, dealing with various trading issues and the realisation of the company's debtor ledger.

    United Arab Emirates

    Enforceability of a personal guarantee

    Successfully representing an invoice financier on issues relating to the enforceability of a personal guarantee in the Court of Appeal.

    United Arab Emirates
  • Aircraft repair and maintenance

    Acting for the purchaser of an aircraft repair and maintenance business in negotiating a business and asset purchase.

    Acting for the administrators of an international distribution business and subsequently, acting on a European and UK side of the business.

    United Kingdom

    Private equity houses and hedge funds acquisitions

    Acting on various high value acquisitions and in resolution of disputes for both private equity houses and hedge funds.

    United Kingdom

    Bank new development

    Acting for an agent bank in respect of a portfolio of nursing homes funded by GBP 200 million of syndicated debt.

    United Kingdom


    Acting for the Liberty Group in relation to their purchase of certain of the businesses and assets of two auto parts manufacturers in the UK, from PWC as administrators. Clydes advised the Liberty Group in relation to what they described as a “hugely important acquisition” for them which allows them to safeguard in excess of 550 jobs, whilst at the same time ensuring that the companies’ two largest customers, both major international car manufactures, were able to...

    United Kingdom

    Aviation recruitment business

    Acting for the administrators of a GBP 70 million turnover aviation recruitment business in effecting a pre-packaged sale of the business and assets

    United Kingdom

    Financing Company

    Acting for the administrators of a prominent bridging finance company on a Court application for an administration order, the immediate sale of the business and assets, and a debt for equity swap.

    United Kingdom

    Numerous retail and casual dining CVAs

    Acting for various key stakeholders including debtor companies, landlords, shareholders and investors on a number of CVAs or other consensual restructurings of debt in the retail and casual dining sectors.

    United Kingdom

    Administration sale of biomass heating pellets business

    Acting for the administrators of a manufacturer of wood-based cat litter, horse bedding and biomass heating pellets.

    United Kingdom


    Acting for the joint administrators in the trading administration and sales of a European distribution business. The UK sale alone preserved the business and employment for around 200 employees and temporary staff and was critical to the continuation of supply.

    United Kingdom

    Tax avoidance claims

    Acting for liquidators of a number of insolvent estates in pursuing various tax avoidance claims under the Insolvency Act 1986 and Companies Act 2006 against the companies’ former directors  principally for breach of duty and unlawful distribution in respect of Employee Benefit Trusts and other similar benefit trusts.

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe spécialisée en droit de l’insolvabilité et de la restructuration

Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily
Abdulaziz Al-Bosaily


Ahmed Alhudaithi
Ahmed Alhudaithi


Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

Clinton Cameron
Clinton Cameron


Keith Conway
Keith Conway


Sameh Dahroug
Sameh Dahroug


Patrick Dillon-Malone
Patrick Dillon-Malone


Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Evans


Lauren Fine
Lauren Fine


Andrew Foster
Andrew Foster


Naji Hawayek
Naji Hawayek


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