COVID-19: Mental Health and Home Workers– out of sight out of mind?
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Promoting employee wellbeing can help foster an environment in which each and every individual can thrive and achieve their full potential. It can also lead to improved employee engagement and organisational performance. We help support our clients with their health and wellbeing agendas.
HR are regularly called upon to deal with absence and workplace issues arising out health-related matters. Issues which we see regularly cover a wide range of topics from stress at work, neurodiversity and mental health, to managing disabilities, menopause and long Covid. We are frequently called upon to help HR with questions such as how to identify a disability, when to use occupational health, how mental health and performance issues interact, how to manage absence and what adjustments to make to support a disabled employee? We have extensive experience advising employers who are involved in legal disputes, from unfair dismissal to disability discrimination claims.
Managing mental health issues, particularly with increased stress and anxiety caused by the pandemic, has also become a key objective for HR and is an area on which we frequently advise. Looking after the mental health of employees creates a more resilient, motivated and focussed workforce leading to lower levels of absence, increased productivity and a more positive work environment.
Diagnoses for ADHD, autism, dyslexia and dyspraxia and other neurodiverse conditions are now commonplace. While educators are well used to supporting neurodiverse individuals, employers need to do more to ensure that their recruitment and progression processes do not discriminate against neurodiverse individuals and instead recognise and harness the benefits that come from this talent pool.
Clyde & Co’s employment team has hosted webinars and shared practical insights to help provide HR with the tools to manage health and wellbeing issues so that their organisations become more resilient and supportive, building a positive culture to help attract and retain talent.
They work closely with you as if they were part of your team and use the word ‘we’ when discussing issues. They have the ability to convey complex matters in a way that is easy to understand by colleagues who are not legal experts. They are pragmatic and support you to make a decision, not just tell you what your options are. They respond quickly to urgent matters."
Chambers, 2021
Having worked with a number of law firms over the years, the differentiator with Clyde & Co is client service and the ability to give very practical and commercial advice. I find the employment law team I deal with very responsive and they are a pleasure to deal with.
Chambers, 2021
Nous gérons toute la gamme d’enjeux liés au droit du travail au nom de clients de partout dans le monde, que ce soit localement ou pour leurs activités à l’étranger.
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