
Actuaires et consultants en avantages sociaux

Les plaintes contre les actuaires et les consultants en avantages sociaux peuvent donner lieu à des enjeux complexes, lorsque des problèmes sont restés inaperçus pendant des années.

Notre équipe professionnelle travaille en étroite collaboration avec les équipes spécialisées en régime de retraite afin de prodiguer des conseils conjoints [couverture et réclamations]. Nous sommes en mesure de combiner excellence technique et connaissance approfondie du domaine.

Notre expérience des réclamations pour négligence professionnelle liées aux régimes de retraite comprend des enjeux tels que:

  • L’arrêt Barber

  • La conversion des régimes à prestations déterminées en régimes à cotisations déterminées

  • Les violations de la protection des données

  • Un tableau incomplet de contributions  

  • La taxe prélevée basée sur le risque de la Caisse de protection des régimes de retraite

  • L’application de la législation sur la conservation

  • La rectification des actes de fiducie et des règles

Notre travail comme actuaires et consultants en avantages sociaux

  • Tout
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Coverage and monitoring following employer insolvency and PPF assessment

    Advising on coverage and monitoring in respect of notifications following employer insolvency and PPF assessment period commencing in relation to the Scheme

    United Kingdom

    Depreciation of fund value and subsequent losses

    Acting in a claim relating to alleged delay in winding up a company pension scheme and losses arising from the resulting fall in the fund value

    United Kingdom

    Equalising gender benefits following the "Barber" judgement

    Advising on failure to amend a scheme correctly to equalise benefits for men and women following the “Barber” judgment in 1991

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect "preservation" legislation in rules

    Advising on rules which incorrectly reflected the “preservation” legislation in the Pension Schemes Act 1993

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect drafting of rule consolidations

    Advising on incorrect drafting of rule consolidations

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect equalisation of retirement ages in accordance with Barber

    Acting for a national firm and its insurers in relation to a claim brought by trustees of a retirement benefits scheme after advisers failed to carry out correctly the equalisation of retirement ages in accordance with Barber which prevented the equalisation from being legally achieved on the date stated in the scheme documentation

    United Kingdom

    Knock-on effects of failure to properly amend scheme rules

    Advising on failure to properly amend the scheme rules correctly to reduce future benefits

    United Kingdom

    Loss of chance claims

    Acting on loss of chance claims

    United Kingdom

    Misapplication of funds claims against a trustee

    Successfully defending a trustee against a claim relating to misapplication of funds by a scheme member who had represented to the Insured that he was a company employee and therefore entitled to join a company pension scheme, when in fact he was not

    United Kingdom

    PTL policy claims

    Advising on claims under PTL policies for “exonerated loss” cover

    United Kingdom
  • Coverage and monitoring following employer insolvency and PPF assessment

    Advising on coverage and monitoring in respect of notifications following employer insolvency and PPF assessment period commencing in relation to the Scheme

    United Kingdom

    Depreciation of fund value and subsequent losses

    Acting in a claim relating to alleged delay in winding up a company pension scheme and losses arising from the resulting fall in the fund value

    United Kingdom

    Equalising gender benefits following the "Barber" judgement

    Advising on failure to amend a scheme correctly to equalise benefits for men and women following the “Barber” judgment in 1991

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect "preservation" legislation in rules

    Advising on rules which incorrectly reflected the “preservation” legislation in the Pension Schemes Act 1993

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect drafting of rule consolidations

    Advising on incorrect drafting of rule consolidations

    United Kingdom

    Incorrect equalisation of retirement ages in accordance with Barber

    Acting for a national firm and its insurers in relation to a claim brought by trustees of a retirement benefits scheme after advisers failed to carry out correctly the equalisation of retirement ages in accordance with Barber which prevented the equalisation from being legally achieved on the date stated in the scheme documentation

    United Kingdom

    Knock-on effects of failure to properly amend scheme rules

    Advising on failure to properly amend the scheme rules correctly to reduce future benefits

    United Kingdom

    Loss of chance claims

    Acting on loss of chance claims

    United Kingdom

    Misapplication of funds claims against a trustee

    Successfully defending a trustee against a claim relating to misapplication of funds by a scheme member who had represented to the Insured that he was a company employee and therefore entitled to join a company pension scheme, when in fact he was not

    United Kingdom

    PTL policy claims

    Advising on claims under PTL policies for “exonerated loss” cover

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe dédiée d’actuaires et de consultants en avantages sociaux

James Roberts
James Roberts


Tim Crockford
Tim Crockford


James Preece
James Preece


Jim Taylor
Jim Taylor


Andrew Forsyth
Andrew Forsyth

Of Counsel

David Méheut
David Méheut


Dr. Henning Schaloske
Dr. Henning Schaloske


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