Risque politique et crédit commercial

Notre équipe dédiée au risque politique et en crédit commercial domine le marché dans ce créneau spécialisé

Notre équipe mondiale dédiée au risque politique et au crédit commercial conseille les principales compagnies d’assurance en matière de risque politique et de crédit commercial sur le développement de produits, les réclamations, les recouvrements et les litiges internationaux.

Nous intervenons dans des cas touchant un éventail de juridictions, souvent dans des marchés très difficiles et comprenant des questions de lois internationales et locales ainsi que des questions d’assurance. Nous avons joué un rôle déterminant dans le développement des produits et nous traitons les questions qui se posent tout au long du cycle de vie du risque.

Nous agissons pour le compte de compagnies d’assurance établies à Londres, aux États-Unis, en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie-Pacifique, et nous avons accompagné nos clients dans toutes les crises majeures qui ont touché les marchés du risque politique et du crédit commercial au cours des 30 dernières années. Parmi les exemples notables, citons des conseils sur les réclamations découlant du printemps arabe en Égypte et en Libye, les effondrements de banques en Ukraine et au Kazakhstan à la suite de la crise financière mondiale et les manifestations politiques thaïlandaises de 2010.

Nous possédons l’expérience des forums privilégiés pour la résolution des litiges dans cette catégorie, en particulier la Cour d’arbitrage international de Londres et le Tribunal de commerce de Londres, ainsi que des arbitrages selon les règles ICCI et UNCITRAL.

Notre travail en matière de risque politique et de crédit commercial

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Amérique latine
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Advising on issues arising from global financial crises

    Advising on issues arising under the contract frustration, export credit and political risk policies from the international financial crises affecting the Far East, the former Soviet Union and Latin America, both in respect of trade and investment

    United Kingdom

    Advising on the impact of trade and economic sanctions

    Advising on claims arising from the Arab Spring and advising on the impact of domestic and international trade and economic sanctions imposed upon Iran, Libya and Syria


    Avoidance of a trade credit insurance policy

    LCIA arbitration arising out of the avoidance of a trade credit insurance policy on the basis of the insured's non-disclosure and misrepresentation as to its financial practices that effectively removed its self-insured retention.

    United Kingdom

    Bank collapsing following the global financial crisis

    Advising on claims stemming from bank collapses in Ukraine and Kazakhstan following the global financial crisis


    CEND claims regarding power plants

    Acting for political risks insurers in CEND claims involving power plants on the Indian subcontinent


    Claims arising from the pesification regime in Argentina

    Advising on various claims arising out of the pesification regime in Argentina, with the focus being on whether changes to payment arrangements provided to concession holders constituted “expropriation” within the wording of the London market policy.


    Dispute resolution and subrogated recovery action

    Acting for credit insurers in a subrogated recovery action against the Chinese aluminium plant primary debtor and its associated debtor/guarantor companies in Hong Kong and the PRC. This matter involved complex dispute resolution and governing law provisions due to the underlying export contract and associated guarantees. As part of the rescheduling, we consolidated those provisions to enable prompt recovery in the courts of Hong Kong under Hong Kong law, such that, when the obligors further...


    Groundbreaking English court decision on political risk insurance

    Advising the successful Lloyd’s underwriters in their defence of the only reported decision of the English courts in recent times relating to political risk insurance; International Lottery Management v Dumas, which relates to issues of non-disclosure and misrepresentation with respect to confiscation insurance of an investment in a lottery in Azerbaijan


    Pertamina: The largest recovery action in the political risk market

    Continuing involvement in the ground-breaking Pertamina case which remains the largest recovery action in the political risk market (around USD 300 million) against Indonesian State Oil & Gas Co


    Political risk cover for zinc and lead mines in South America

    Advising a bank on political risk cover for investments in lead and zinc mines in South America

  • Advising on the impact of trade and economic sanctions

    Advising on claims arising from the Arab Spring and advising on the impact of domestic and international trade and economic sanctions imposed upon Iran, Libya and Syria

  • Claims arising from the pesification regime in Argentina

    Advising on various claims arising out of the pesification regime in Argentina, with the focus being on whether changes to payment arrangements provided to concession holders constituted “expropriation” within the wording of the London market policy.


    Political risk cover for zinc and lead mines in South America

    Advising a bank on political risk cover for investments in lead and zinc mines in South America


    Successfully defending the Dispute Clause in an export credit insurer's accounts receivable policy

    Successfully defending the Dispute Clause in a large export credit insurer's accounts receivable (shipments) policy for the fifth time before Canadian courts, including favourable decisions of both the Quebec and the Ontario Courts of Appeal.

  • Political risk insurer in an LCIA arbitration

    Successfully representing a political risk insurer in a LCIA arbitration relating to Venezuela

  • Groundbreaking English court decision on political risk insurance

    Advising the successful Lloyd’s underwriters in their defence of the only reported decision of the English courts in recent times relating to political risk insurance; International Lottery Management v Dumas, which relates to issues of non-disclosure and misrepresentation with respect to confiscation insurance of an investment in a lottery in Azerbaijan


    Dispute resolution and subrogated recovery action

    Acting for credit insurers in a subrogated recovery action against the Chinese aluminium plant primary debtor and its associated debtor/guarantor companies in Hong Kong and the PRC. This matter involved complex dispute resolution and governing law provisions due to the underlying export contract and associated guarantees. As part of the rescheduling, we consolidated those provisions to enable prompt recovery in the courts of Hong Kong under Hong Kong law, such that, when the obligors further...


    CEND claims regarding power plants

    Acting for political risks insurers in CEND claims involving power plants on the Indian subcontinent


    Pertamina: The largest recovery action in the political risk market

    Continuing involvement in the ground-breaking Pertamina case which remains the largest recovery action in the political risk market (around USD 300 million) against Indonesian State Oil & Gas Co


    Thai steel exports and the 2010 disturbances

    Advising on the 2010 disturbances in Thailand as well as acting for an export credit insurer of a steel trader in respect of the trader’s pre-export finance facility with a Thai steel mill

  • Bank collapsing following the global financial crisis

    Advising on claims stemming from bank collapses in Ukraine and Kazakhstan following the global financial crisis


    Advising on issues arising from global financial crises

    Advising on issues arising under the contract frustration, export credit and political risk policies from the international financial crises affecting the Far East, the former Soviet Union and Latin America, both in respect of trade and investment

    United Kingdom

    Avoidance of a trade credit insurance policy

    LCIA arbitration arising out of the avoidance of a trade credit insurance policy on the basis of the insured's non-disclosure and misrepresentation as to its financial practices that effectively removed its self-insured retention.

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe spécialisée en risque politique et en crédit commercial

Mark Beswetherick
Mark Beswetherick


Dr. Andreas Börner
Dr. Andreas Börner


Clinton Cameron
Clinton Cameron


Jeffrey Fegan
Jeffrey Fegan


Laura Gongaware
Laura Gongaware


Andrew Grant
Andrew Grant


Felipe Hoetz
Felipe Hoetz


Keith Hutchison
Keith Hutchison


Edward Kirk
Edward Kirk


Michael Knoerzer
Michael Knoerzer


Stirling Leech
Stirling Leech


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