Assurance des institutions financières, administrateurs et dirigeants

Our global team advises the London market and international insurers and reinsurers on all aspects of FI and D&O work.

Notre équipe dédiée aux institutions financières, administrateurs et dirigeants offre des conseils sur les réclamations à l’échelle locale et partout dans le monde

Notre équipe mondiale dédiée aux institutions financières et aux administrateurs et dirigeants conseille les compagnies d’assurance et réassureurs du marché de Londres, des États-Unis et d’autres pays sur tous les aspects des activités liées aux institutions financières et aux administrateurs et dirigeants. Nous avons acquis la réputation de défendre avec succès les réclamations et de traiter les questions de couverture les plus complexes. Notre équipe traite des réclamations de toutes tailles et de tous types et donne des conseils sur certaines des plus importantes réclamations du marché de l’assurance.

Nous offrons des conseils sur les réclamations des administrateurs et dirigeants contre les banques institutionnelles et de détail, les sociétés de crédit immobilier, les fonds de pension, les sociétés d’investissement à capital variable, les conseillers en placement, les gestionnaires d’actifs et les fonds spéculatifs.

Nous traitons fréquemment des réclamations de défenses complexes impliquant des procédures de disqualification d’administrateurs, des actions pour transactions illicites et d’autres demandes découlant de l’insolvabilité, ainsi que des réclamations d’amendes administratives et des actions coercitives de nature criminelle découlant de fautes professionnelles et financières présumées.

Notre équipe règle des litiges complexes en matière de couverture et gère l’arbitrage et la médiation en effectuant le suivi des réclamations des assureurs à l’échelle mondiale, en fournissant une opinion stratégique, en assurant le contrôle des fuites dans le cadre d’importants programmes et en offrant des conseils aux comités directeurs.

Notre expertise allie nos connaissances locales et sur le terrain. Nous intervenons sur des réclamations de toutes tailles et de tous types dans l’ensemble des territoires. Nous avons de l’expérience dans le traitement des litiges complexes en matière de couverture et de défense, ainsi que la gestion de l’arbitrage et de la médiation. Nous avons offert des services-conseils sur un grand nombre de questions clés auprès des institutions financières et des administrateurs et dirigeants. Soulignons la responsabilité civile liée à la cybersécurité, le nombre accru d’activités réglementaires à l’échelle mondiale et les déclencheurs de politiques connexes, l’incidence des libellés souples, les risques découlant d’allégations de truquage des normes de référence, des restitutions, des réclamations au titre des polices de fidélité liées à des transactions non autorisées, les attributions des premiers appels publics à l’épargne (PAPE) et les réclamations des agences de cotation des titres.

Nous rédigeons régulièrement des politiques pour les institutions financières et administrateurs et dirigeants, et nous fournissons des conseils pratiques sur les questions de gestion des risques et de gouvernance d’entreprise. Nous nous tenons au coursant des tendances réglementaires internationales et des risques émergents pour les administrateurs et dirigeants, comme les obligations liées au changement climatique.

Notre travail auprès des institutions financières, des dirigeants et des administrateurs

  • Tout
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Action brought by Administrators under the Insolvency Rules

    Acting for the directors of Portsmouth City Football Club in respect of an action brought by the Administrators against the directors under the Insolvency Rules

    United Kingdom

    Advising a stockbroking firm

    Conducting a past business review for a stockbroking firm in relation to the mis-selling of structured investment products. The past business review followed multiple customer complaints and an FSA investigation and formed the basis of a customer redress scheme

    United Kingdom

    Advising insurers on policy coverage and indemnity

    Advising insurers/reinsurers of a large Hong Kong bank and its subsidiaries in relation to policy coverage and indemnity regarding substantial mis-selling claims by over 10,000 customers in relation to their purchase of Lehmans minibonds

    Hong Kong

    Advising insurers regarding the Saad/Algosaibi fallout

    Advising London market and international insurers on policy coverage for several multi-million dollar claims by Middle East and international banks resulting from the Saad/Algosaibi fallout and subsequent global litigation

    United Kingdom

    Advising on Chinese reverse merger claims

    Advising a London market and Australian client with respect to Chinese reverse merger claims pending in New York, Delaware, California, and Hong Kong

    United Kingdom

    Advising on coverage litigation in the New York Supreme Court

    Advising London market on coverage litigation in New York Supreme Court arising from a fidelity claim for over USD 140 million in unauthorized trading losses

    United Kingdom

    Bankers Blanket Bond advice

    Advising a panel of insurers of a Bankers Blanket Bond (fidelity section) for a major retail bank. Substantial losses to customers had arisen from a complex series of frauds by a bank employee

    United Kingdom

    Coverage disputes for Arab Spring losses

    Coverage disputes for Arab Spring losses

    United Arab Emirates

    Defending an insurer's alleged breaches of contractual and fiduciary duties

    Acting for an insurer (under a D&O policy) in defending multiple Australian Supreme Court proceedings involving a dispute between an international company, a number of its former directors and officers and their new employer in relation to alleged breaches of contractual and fiduciary duties


    District court finds Clyde & Co provided “highest level” of service

    The U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona granted judgment and awarded to Clyde & Co’s clients USD 1.2m in attorney’s fees and costs incurred in defending a coverage and bad faith action. In so ruling, the court held that Clyde & Co performed its services for its clients “with utmost skill, thoroughness, and clarity” and “at the highest level of quality and accuracy.”

    United States
  • Multi-jurisdictional class action securities claims advice

    Advising Canadian, London market and US insurers with respect to coverage for class action securities claims asserted under newly-sanctioned secondary market class action securities laws in Canada


    Second circuit rules coverage barred by hedge fund’s breach

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment to Clyde and Co’s client, a large multi-national insurance company, in a coverage dispute with an insured hedge fund. The court found that coverage was barred as a matter of law because the hedge fund breached its warranty when it applied for additional excess insurance on renewal.

    United States

    District court finds Clyde & Co provided “highest level” of service

    The U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona granted judgment and awarded to Clyde & Co’s clients USD 1.2m in attorney’s fees and costs incurred in defending a coverage and bad faith action. In so ruling, the court held that Clyde & Co performed its services for its clients “with utmost skill, thoroughness, and clarity” and “at the highest level of quality and accuracy.”

    United States

    Tenth circuit finds claims interrelated to claim made before policy period

    Acted for a large specialty insurer in front of the U.S. Court of Appeals to secure a reversal of a decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah that claims were in fact related and deemed a single claim first made prior to the policy period at the time the earlier claim was made. As a result, the Tenth Circuit granted summary judgment to Clyde & Co's client on the claims made coverage defense and affirmed the dismissal of the bad faith claim.

    United States

    Georgia court dismisses bad faith claims in USD 525m coverage

    Secured motions to dismiss bad faith claims brought against a number of Clyde & Co’s clients. In the suit, a large national bank contends that it is entitled to USD 525m in coverage under professional indemnity policies over four policy periods for USD 4.5b in alleged losses relating to its mortgage underwriting, origination and servicing business practices before and during the Subprime Credit Crisis, as well as its sale of auction rate securities. Clyde & Co's clients consistently asserted...

    United States

    New York appellate court rules in USD 140m SEC settlement

    Clyde & Co successfully represents insurers at the trial and appellate levels when The New York Appellate Division for the First Department granted the insurers’ motion for summary judgment that Bear Stearns’ USD 140m disgorgement payment to the Securities and Exchange Commission was not an insurable “Loss” under New York law.

    United States
  • Large shareholder class action and insurance issues

    Acting for the insured and insurers in one of the largest shareholder class actions to proceed to trial in Australia (which arose from a profit downgrade), and advising on the insurance issues arising out of litigation in the US with the holders of convertible bonds


    Defending an insurer's alleged breaches of contractual and fiduciary duties

    Acting for an insurer (under a D&O policy) in defending multiple Australian Supreme Court proceedings involving a dispute between an international company, a number of its former directors and officers and their new employer in relation to alleged breaches of contractual and fiduciary duties


    Advising insurers on policy coverage and indemnity

    Advising insurers/reinsurers of a large Hong Kong bank and its subsidiaries in relation to policy coverage and indemnity regarding substantial mis-selling claims by over 10,000 customers in relation to their purchase of Lehmans minibonds

    Hong Kong
  • Coverage disputes for Arab Spring losses

    Coverage disputes for Arab Spring losses

    United Arab Emirates

    Financial lines claims from the Al Gosaibi fallout

    Financial lines claims from the Al Gosaibi fallout

    United Arab Emirates
  • Action brought by Administrators under the Insolvency Rules

    Acting for the directors of Portsmouth City Football Club in respect of an action brought by the Administrators against the directors under the Insolvency Rules

    United Kingdom

    Advising a stockbroking firm

    Conducting a past business review for a stockbroking firm in relation to the mis-selling of structured investment products. The past business review followed multiple customer complaints and an FSA investigation and formed the basis of a customer redress scheme

    United Kingdom

    Advising insurers regarding the Saad/Algosaibi fallout

    Advising London market and international insurers on policy coverage for several multi-million dollar claims by Middle East and international banks resulting from the Saad/Algosaibi fallout and subsequent global litigation

    United Kingdom

    Advising on Chinese reverse merger claims

    Advising a London market and Australian client with respect to Chinese reverse merger claims pending in New York, Delaware, California, and Hong Kong

    United Kingdom

    Advising on coverage litigation in the New York Supreme Court

    Advising London market on coverage litigation in New York Supreme Court arising from a fidelity claim for over USD 140 million in unauthorized trading losses

    United Kingdom

    Bankers Blanket Bond advice

    Advising a panel of insurers of a Bankers Blanket Bond (fidelity section) for a major retail bank. Substantial losses to customers had arisen from a complex series of frauds by a bank employee

    United Kingdom

    Fidelity and crime insurers investigation

    Acting for fidelity and crime insurers in investigations of fraudulent schemes in the US, Canada, Japan, Argentina and Bermuda

    United Kingdom

    FSA investigations and civil claims

    Acting for a large national accountancy network with an extensive IFA business in relation to FSA investigations and civil claims arising out of alleged mis-selling of Lehmans structured products

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe dédiée aux institutions financières, aux dirigeants et aux administrateurs

James Cooper
James Cooper


Laura Cooke
Laura Cooke


Mandip Singh Sagoo
Mandip Singh Sagoo


Mark Sutton
Mark Sutton


Stuart Maleno
Stuart Maleno


Dr. Henning Schaloske
Dr. Henning Schaloske


David Méheut
David Méheut


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