Depuis plus de 35 ans, nous sommes le cabinet d’avocats « de référence » dans l’assurance du secteur de l’énergie.

Le cabinet mondial de Clyde & Co dédié à l’assurance du secteur de l’énergie est un chef de file reconnu dans ce secteur. Nos clients nous ont fait confiance pour les conseiller lors de nombreuses pertes d’énergie importantes, en amont et en aval, auxquelles le marché a été confronté au cours des 35 dernières années.

Nous avons investi non seulement dans les compétences juridiques de notre équipe, mais aussi dans leur expertise technique au sein des secteurs de l’énergie en amont, en aval et renouvelable. Nous avons donc une expérience et une compréhension inégalées de l’ingénierie complexe et des questions contractuelles qui sous-tendent ces domaines.

L’équipe a l’habitude de traiter des sinistres complexes de grande valeur et de travailler avec des experts en ingénierie, tant pour conseiller les assureurs que pour produire des preuves techniques claires et complètes dans le cadre d’un arbitrage ou d’une procédure judiciaire.

Nous connaissons bien les libellés standards du marché et nous prodiguons des conseils en matière de couverture sur toute une série de questions. Notre expérience s’étend à nos cabinets mondiaux dédiés au secteur de l’énergie, qui sont également des spécialistes dans ce domaine.

Nos associés soutiennent activement les organisations du marché et les événements du secteur et sont fréquemment sollicités pour des conseils sur une série de questions concernant l’ensemble du marché.

Notre travail dans le secteur de l’énergie

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Amérique latine
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Total loss of a jackup drilling rig “PERRO NEGRO 6”

    Advising insurers on P&I coverage arising out of the capsize and total loss of a jackup drilling rig “PERRO NEGRO 6” offshore Angola.


    Drilling rig blow-out and explosion

    K/S Endeavour. Drilling rig blow-out and explosion. Advising reinsurers in respect of loss of USD 180 million drilling rig off Nigerian coast following blow-out in January 2012.


    CBI claim resulting from a bearing failure on an FPSO

    Advising insurers on a CBI claim resulting from a bearing failure on an FPSO, offshore Ghana


    Claim on the Yme MOPUstor Platform

    Advised underwriters in relation to an insurance claim by an oil services company arising out of its decision to abandon the construction of the Yme MOPUstor Platform, a mobile offshore production unit with storage in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea


    Claims arising out of earthquakes attributable to gas production

    Advising liability insurers in relation to claims arising out of earthquakes attributable to gas production in the Netherlands



    Claims arising out of the Papua New Guinea earthquake

    Advising operating insurers in respect of claims arising out of the Papua New Guinea earthquake

    Papua New Guinea

    Claims for environmental damage following an oil pipeline spill

    Advising liability reinsurers in relation to claims for environmental damage following an oil pipeline spill in Ecuador.


    Coverage dispute regarding failure of two gas turbines

    Advising insurers with respect to a coverage dispute regarding failure of two gas turbines, Oman


    Coverage for gas pipeline joint failures

    Advising on coverage for gas pipeline joint failures, offshore Qatar


    Coverage issues following a collapse of a tailings dam in Brazil

    Advising on coverage issues in relation to a liability policy, following a collapse of a tailings dam in Brazil.


  • Total loss of a jackup drilling rig “PERRO NEGRO 6”

    Advising insurers on P&I coverage arising out of the capsize and total loss of a jackup drilling rig “PERRO NEGRO 6” offshore Angola.


    Drilling rig blow-out and explosion

    K/S Endeavour. Drilling rig blow-out and explosion. Advising reinsurers in respect of loss of USD 180 million drilling rig off Nigerian coast following blow-out in January 2012.


    Damage discovered during the laying of a gas export pipeline

    Advising reinsurers in relation to damage discovered during the laying of a gas export pipeline, offshore Angola.



    CBI claim resulting from a bearing failure on an FPSO

    Advising insurers on a CBI claim resulting from a bearing failure on an FPSO, offshore Ghana

  • Coverage issues following a collapse of a tailings dam in Brazil

    Advising on coverage issues in relation to a liability policy, following a collapse of a tailings dam in Brazil.



    Liabilities claim at Brazilian hydroelectric power plant

    Advising a panel of international reinsurers on their liabilities arising from strike and riot in a hydroelectric power plant in Brazil, with a stated claim of BRL 1.5 billion


    Disruption to the Central electricity grid

    Advising reinsurers in respect of a claim following disruption to supplies of electricity to the central grid in Colombia.


    Claims for environmental damage following an oil pipeline spill

    Advising liability reinsurers in relation to claims for environmental damage following an oil pipeline spill in Ecuador.


    Failure of fireretardant material at an oil refinery

    Advising reinsurers in relation to a claim arising from the failure of fireretardant material at an oil refinery expansion project in Texas, USA.


    United States
  • Failure of the blades of a turbine at a thermal power station

    Advising insurers in relation to a USD 50 million plus subrogated action following the failure of the blades of a turbine at a thermal power station in Peru.

  • Damage to offshore FPSO

    Advising in relation to proceedings concerning coverage for damage to subsea elements of an FPSO offshore Australia


    Total failure of a jacket launched in the South China Sea

    Coverage advice to insurers following the total failure of a jacket launched in the South China Sea


    Defence of liability following collision of jacket under tow

    Acting for insured and insurers in defence of liabilities following collision of jacket under tow with a dredger, offshore Indonesia


    Cracking of export pipelines

    Advising on coverage for cracking of export pipelines in Kazakhstan


    Claims arising out of the Papua New Guinea earthquake

    Advising operating insurers in respect of claims arising out of the Papua New Guinea earthquake

    Papua New Guinea

    Cracked paint during construction of FLNG vessel in Korea

    Advising CAR insurers relating to cracked paint during construction of FLNG vessel in Korea
    South Korea
  • Coverage dispute regarding failure of two gas turbines

    Advising insurers with respect to a coverage dispute regarding failure of two gas turbines, Oman


    Coverage for gas pipeline joint failures

    Advising on coverage for gas pipeline joint failures, offshore Qatar


    DTEP claim for an allision with a wellhead platform

    Advising WELCAR Section II underwriters on a DTEP claim for an allision with a wellhead platform, offshore Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Cracking in ethylene oxide reactors

    Advising insurers in relation to cracking in ethylene oxide reactors in Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Recoveries following turbine loss

    Acting for insurers in relation to the recovery of amounts due under its reinsurance agreements following turbine loss in Abu Dhabi

    United Arab Emirates
  • Claims arising out of earthquakes attributable to gas production

    Advising liability insurers in relation to claims arising out of earthquakes attributable to gas production in the Netherlands



    Claim on the Yme MOPUstor Platform

    Advised underwriters in relation to an insurance claim by an oil services company arising out of its decision to abandon the construction of the Yme MOPUstor Platform, a mobile offshore production unit with storage in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea


    Failure of a high voltage subsea power interconnector

    Advising insurers on coverage in relation to the failure of a high voltage subsea power interconnector between Scotland and Northern Ireland.


    United Kingdom

    Major loss of fixed platform in the North Sea

    Advising insurers on a major loss concerning a fixed platform in the North Sea.

    United Kingdom

    Mooring system failure of the Gryphon FPSO

    Advising insurers following drift off of Maersk Gryphon FPSO in the North Sea.

    United Kingdom

    Non-disclosure of previous engineering history of UK power station

    Advising PD and BI insurers of UK power station in relation to material non-disclosure of previous engineering history

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe dédiée au secteur de l’énergie

Saud Alsaab
Saud Alsaab


Jane Andrewartha
Jane Andrewartha


Lee Astfalck
Lee Astfalck


Lee Bacon
Lee Bacon


Owen Carragher
Owen Carragher


Taylor L. Davis
Taylor L. Davis


Don Dear, K.C.
Don Dear, K.C.


Robert W. Fisher
Robert W. Fisher


Angela Flaherty
Angela Flaherty


Charles A. Foucreault
Charles A. Foucreault


Laura Gongaware
Laura Gongaware


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Voir tous les associés dédiés au secteur de l’énergie

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