Assurance et réassurance
'The Monday Effect': Is Monday really the most dangerous day on a jobsite?
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Our volume recovery team works with insurers, brokers and corporates handling claims arising under motor and commercial fleet policies, as well as property policies for both domestic and commercial premises. Our work involves recovering outlays from insured and uninsured losses and property damage claims, as well as volume ‘run-off’ claims.
Our motor recovery experts provide services specifically tailored to the needs of our clients. We charge a fixed fee based on the percentage of damages recovered under a CCFA on a ‘no recovery, no fee’ basis. With expertise in the corporate, insurance and legal sectors, we have the skills necessary to identify and pursue all losses arising from non-fault and split-fault accidents. We also specialise in the bus, coach and transport sector, recovering uninsured losses.
We pursue subrogated property recovery claims and undertake an immediate triage to establish the viability of the claim and drive the investigations and discussions to an early resolution. We offer a range of bespoke charging structures including schemes on a ‘no recovery, no fee’ basis and a fixed fee scheme based on a percentage of the damages recovered.
We maximise recovery potential and reduce recovery times through proactive claims handling. Our team also provides comprehensive Management Information with detailed monthly analysis to drive constant improvement in financial performance.
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Notre équipe évolutive possède de l’expertise et une nouvelle vision de la technologie. Avec une grande portée vient le plus grand ensemble de données dans la sphère de l’assurance dommages, et c’est ce qui nous permet de fournir des réponses plus exhaustives et assurer une meilleure gestion de l’information.
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