Assurance commerciale

Clyde & Co offre des services d’experts-conseils en matière de contrats et d’ententes afin de veiller à ce que les ententes commerciales conclues par ses clients des secteurs public et privé soient le plus profitables possible pour eux, tout en tenant les risques à un minimum.

Aiguiller les clients en offrant de judicieux conseils dynamiques sur le plan commercial

Chez Clyde & Co, nous savons à quel point les contrats et les ententes commerciales d’une organisation sont une pierre angulaire de son succès. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons de concert avec les équipes internes de nos clients pour nous assurer que les accords qu’ils concluent sont à la fois solides, adéquats et pragmatiques.

Nos connaissances et notre expérience touchent toutes les sphères d’activité dans les secteurs public et privé. Nous collaborons avec des organisations de partout dans le monde pour leur prêter main-forte dans leurs affaires, au pays comme à l’étranger.

L’externalisation des activités est l’un de nos domaines de spécialité, et nous en comprenons parfaitement les principaux enjeux, notamment les niveaux de service, les questions de confidentialité et de sécurité ainsi que la résolution des différends. Nos spécialistes travaillent de concert avec nos clients et les fournisseurs de services externes avant et pendant la mise en place d’une entente et après sa conclusion. Notre renommée n’est d’ailleurs plus à faire en ce qui concerne le secrétariat d’affaires, l’administration des sociétés et les services de conformité d’entreprise généraux.

Clyde & Co œuvre également dans les domaines de la technologie de l’information et des communications, aussi bien en ce qui concerne les questions matérielles que logicielles. L’un des premiers – et des rares – cabinets juridiques à se spécialiser dans la cyberresponsabilité, nous sommes au premier plan de la rédaction de politiques numériques.

Forts de notre expérience de la négociation avec de grands joueurs du secteur des TI ainsi que des activités de niche, nous accordons toujours la priorité aux intérêts commerciaux de nos clients.

Notre travail en matière de droit commercial

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Assisting Arby’s with the expansion of its franchised concept

    Assisting Arby’s, a well-known US casual dining concept with the expansion of its franchised concept in the UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Egypt, through a master developer relationship based in the UAE. Providing local law support on the transaction documents as well as related regulatory advice on corporate, franchising and trade mark issues.


    Advising Helium Health on its Kenya market entry

    Advising Helium Health on its Kenya market entry, corporate structuring of their entity and the accruing tax implications.


    Acquisition and Delivery of New Aircraft

    Advising an airline on aircraft procurement, from drafting responses to manufacturers for proposals, sourcing and acquisition of aircraft, drafting specifications on the fitting out of aircraft, delivery issues, taking delivery of the aircraft, and advising on contracts with providers of maintenance services to the aircraft.

    United Kingdom

    Airline E-ticket sales

    Advising various airlines and travel operators on their arrangements regarding the online sale of tickets and related payments.

    United Kingdom

    Airport Fuel Supply Agreements

    Advising an international oil company on its fuel supply agreements with different European airports.


    Aircraft Supplier Contract Arrangements

    Advising a supplier of aircraft seats and galley equipment on all aspects of its contractual arrangements with its customers.

    United Kingdom

    Global crude oil trader operating in 80 countries

    Advising a global trader of crude oil with presence in 80 countries on submission of a tender to a government owned parastatal.


    Advising Cigna on Data Protection Laws

    Advising Cigna on Data Protection Laws in Kenya.


    Distribution agreements for international luxury car brand

    Advising an international luxury car brand with respect to its Kenya specific distribution agreements.


    JV establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project

    Advising on joint venture establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project.

  • Assisting Arby’s with the expansion of its franchised concept

    Assisting Arby’s, a well-known US casual dining concept with the expansion of its franchised concept in the UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Egypt, through a master developer relationship based in the UAE. Providing local law support on the transaction documents as well as related regulatory advice on corporate, franchising and trade mark issues.


    Advising Helium Health on its Kenya market entry

    Advising Helium Health on its Kenya market entry, corporate structuring of their entity and the accruing tax implications.


    Global crude oil trader operating in 80 countries

    Advising a global trader of crude oil with presence in 80 countries on submission of a tender to a government owned parastatal.


    Advising Cigna on Data Protection Laws

    Advising Cigna on Data Protection Laws in Kenya.


    JV establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project

    Advising on joint venture establishment for a USD 1.5 billion PPP infrastructure project.


    Power purchase agreements for independent power producer

    Advising an independent power producer on power purchase agreements.


    Distribution agreements for international luxury car brand

    Advising an international luxury car brand with respect to its Kenya specific distribution agreements.


    Fourth Generation Capital

    Advising Fourth Generation Capital with respect to its on-going lending activities to small scale traders in Kenya.


    Franchise and distribution agreements for a technology based FMCG company

    Drafting and negotiating franchise and distribution agreements for a technology based FMCG company.


    Receivable financing in Kenya

    Advising an energy finance platform on their feasibility study around receivable financing in Kenya.

  • Franchise arrangements in the GCC for a US retailer

    Advising a leading US retailer in relation to its franchise arrangements in the GCC, incorporating a development target of almost 100 stores

    United States
  • China IP - water filtration patent protection

    Advising leading manufacturer of water filtration equipment on patent infringement by a Chinese national. The Chinese national copied a patented cartridge and filed a utility model patent application for the copy-design. As China does not conduct a prior art search for utility model applications, the China Patent Office (SIPO) issued the utility model patent to the individual despite the lack of novelty and inventiveness. The individual then initiated a patent infringement litigation against...


    China IP advice - roads and maintenance firm

    Advising global market-leading road construction and maintenance machinery provider on patent infringement litigation against a Chinese company and secured a first instance judgment of RMB500,000 in compensation and succeeded in defending the client's patents from the Chinese company's invalidation attempts.


    Outsourcing electronics contracts to China

    Advising Best Buy in relation to various outsourcing contracts in China as well as general commercial matters


    Fashion franchising arrangements in China

    Acting for an international fashion retailer with respect to franchising arrangements in China


    Termination and purchase of fashion franchising arrangements

    Advising a leading European fashion brand on the termination of existing franchising arrangements in the region and the associated purchase of the franchisees businesses in both Hong Kong and Macau, including regulatory issues

    Hong Kong
  • International health insurer fronting in the Middle East

    Advising an international health insurer in relation to the fronting of its products in the Middle East, including specific advice in relation to outsourcing and data protection requirements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia

    Digital smart card manufacturer

    Supporting our client in negotiations with a local service provider appointed by several regional banks to supply smart cards enabled with near field technology for contactless payment technology.

    United Arab Emirates

    Regional e-commerce provider

    Advising on the launch of a new digital concierge and e-booking service to promote the retail offerings of third parties in the UAE. The app is proprietary and has been developed by a team of in-house developers. We have prepared the terms for launch of the app and advised on issues concerning integration with a payment processor as well as risks arising out of the customer and merchant relationships.

    United Arab Emirates

    Launching online products in the Middle East

    Advising an online giant in respect of the launch of certain of its high profile online products in the Middle East.

    United Arab Emirates

    Implementing a governments E-business strategy

    Advising a Middle Eastern government on its implementation of an e-business strategy, including drafting enabling legislation relating to the setting up of an e-commerce and media free zone within the Middle East.

    United Arab Emirates

    Outsourcing Halliburtons global data security services

    Advising Halliburton on the negotiations for the outsourcing of its global data security services to an off-shore IT provider.

    United Arab Emirates

    Hotel brand expansion into new Middle Eastern markets

    Acting for a listed international hotel brand on a range of franchise issues in 7 core Middle Eastern markets, including localisation of the suite of franchise documents and providing related advice on enforceability, negotiation and support on local operational issues such as regulatory approvals and licensing, IP and employment

    United Arab Emirates

    Restaurant rollout and international expansion strategy

    Advising a UAE developed and owned restaurant brand on its expansion strategy and rollout internationally, including advising on its regulatory requirements concerning franchise agreements and protection of its IP assets

    United Arab Emirates
  • Airport Fuel Supply Agreements

    Advising an international oil company on its fuel supply agreements with different European airports.


    Airline E-ticket sales

    Advising various airlines and travel operators on their arrangements regarding the online sale of tickets and related payments.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition and Delivery of New Aircraft

    Advising an airline on aircraft procurement, from drafting responses to manufacturers for proposals, sourcing and acquisition of aircraft, drafting specifications on the fitting out of aircraft, delivery issues, taking delivery of the aircraft, and advising on contracts with providers of maintenance services to the aircraft.

    United Kingdom

    Aircraft Supplier Contract Arrangements

    Advising a supplier of aircraft seats and galley equipment on all aspects of its contractual arrangements with its customers.

    United Kingdom

    Advising Russian Coal Producer on English Sale Contracts

    Advising a Russian coal producer on the drafting of several of their English law sale contracts and re-drafting their precedent contracts.

    Russian Federation

    Outsourcing data management systems

    Advising a leading global software supplier on the outsourcing of its import management and dealer management systems by one of Russia's largest car dealerships,

    Russian Federation

    Outsourcing RFIB Ltd communications services

    Advising RFIB Ltd on the outsourcing of its email and mobile communications services to Pasporte

    United Kingdom

    Outsourcing Goldman Sachs insurance administrative services

    Advising Goldman Sachs on outsourcing arrangements for its insurance administrative services

    United Kingdom

    Outsourcing large cash processing deals

    Advising G4S PLC on large outsourcing deals include GBP 250 million cash processing deal with Santander and similar types of deal with LTSB, Nationwide Building Society, Clydesdale Bank, Abbey, Northern Bank and First Trust

    United Kingdom

    RBS Insurance software development, licensing and support

    Advising RBS Insurance on the development, licensing and support of third-party software for use in connection with its personal lines business

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe spécialisée en droit commercial

Lee Bacon
Lee Bacon


Christopher Bakker
Christopher Bakker


Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

Roshanak Bassiri Gharb
Roshanak Bassiri Gharb


Arturo Bello
Arturo Bello


Tom Bicknell
Tom Bicknell


Ian Birdsey
Ian Birdsey


Nicole Britton
Nicole Britton


Joyce Chan
Joyce Chan


Carrie Chen
Carrie Chen

Local Partner, Westlink Partnership

Alec Christie
Alec Christie


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