
Énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable

Nos expert·e·s du secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable fournissent du soutien juridique à l’international

Voilà plus de 25 ans que nous œuvrons dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable. Nous possédons une vaste expérience dans l’offre de conseils à des promoteurs immobiliers, à des entités en approvisionnement, à des investisseurs, à des entrepreneurs, à des exploitants et à des organismes de réglementation dans le cadre de différents types de transactions dans les marchés établis et émergents.

Notre équipe est réputée pour les conseils qu’elle prodigue aux clients dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable à l’échelle mondiale, notamment en ce qui a trait aux projets liés à l’énergie solaire en Afrique, aux parcs éoliens océaniques en Europe du Nord, à des projets relatifs à l’alimentation au gaz naturel en Asie-Pacifique et à l’énergie issue de la biomasse au Royaume-Uni. Nous avons participé à tous les aspects du cycle de vie d’un projet, allant des phases initiales d’examen réglementaire et de planification, en passant par les phases de financement, de conception et de construction, jusqu’aux phases d’exploitation et d’entretien.

Notre équipe d’avocat·e·s se consacrant au secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable connaît les problèmes et les défis quotidiens auxquels font face les clients, tant du point de vue des transactions que du contentieux. Nous demeurons à l’avant-plan des développements sur le marché afin de continuellement fournir à nos clients des conseils pratiques en temps opportun.

Energy Transition

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Hydrogène vert

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Notre travail dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • ICC arbitrations regarding a hydroelectricity project in Egypt

    Assisting with the conduct of three related ICC arbitrations arising in relation to construction disputes on a hydroelectricity project in Egypt.


    Onshore wind portfolio

    Assisting Iberdrola Renovables in relation to the establishment of its onshore wind portfolio in France including the acquisition of several wind projects (600 MW portfolio) and supervising all transactional, corporate, regulatory matters.


    Solar plant development in Nigeria

    Advising Nova Power on the feasibility study for the development of several solar plants in Nigeria including an audit of the regulatory system for the building and operation of a solar PPP in Nigeria, meetings with the authorities and proposing solutions to the issues identified.


    Power purchase agreements for independent power producer

    Advising an independent power producer on power purchase agreements.


    Mtwara electricity project, Tanzania

    Advising on the Mtwara electricity project for the sustainable development and finance of Mnazi Bay natural gas reserves and construction of a power station and electricity supply infrastructure in Southern Tanzania.


    Aswan dam

    Advising on disputes on the Aswan dam hydropower project in Egypt.


    Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project

    Acting for an EPC Contractor in relation to the preparation of EPC contracts, supply contracts and subcontracts for the construction of 45 wind turbines (95 MW) at the Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project in Australia


    Hydropower plant

    Providing pre-contentious advice in relation to a tunnelling contract for the Alto Maipo Hydropower Plant Project, Chile


    Maritza East III Power Plant

    Advising a consortium of two major international contractors on an innovative restructuring of the engineering and construction contracting arrangements for the 840 MW Maritza East III Power Plant in Bulgaria


    Offshore wind charter party dispute

    Advising a contractor in LMAA arbitration proceedings regarding a charter party dispute following damage caused to the leg of an offshore wind farm jack-up installation vessel off the coast of Northumberland in the UK

    United Kingdom
  • ICC arbitrations regarding a hydroelectricity project in Egypt

    Assisting with the conduct of three related ICC arbitrations arising in relation to construction disputes on a hydroelectricity project in Egypt.


    Solar plant development in Nigeria

    Advising Nova Power on the feasibility study for the development of several solar plants in Nigeria including an audit of the regulatory system for the building and operation of a solar PPP in Nigeria, meetings with the authorities and proposing solutions to the issues identified.


    Power purchase agreements for independent power producer

    Advising an independent power producer on power purchase agreements.


    Mtwara electricity project, Tanzania

    Advising on the Mtwara electricity project for the sustainable development and finance of Mnazi Bay natural gas reserves and construction of a power station and electricity supply infrastructure in Southern Tanzania.


    Aswan dam

    Advising on disputes on the Aswan dam hydropower project in Egypt.

  • Hydropower plant

    Providing pre-contentious advice in relation to a tunnelling contract for the Alto Maipo Hydropower Plant Project, Chile


    Wind farm financing

    Advising the lenders in financings of several wind farms in Riverside and Kern Counties, California

    United States
  • Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project

    Acting for an EPC Contractor in relation to the preparation of EPC contracts, supply contracts and subcontracts for the construction of 45 wind turbines (95 MW) at the Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project in Australia

  • Onshore wind portfolio

    Assisting Iberdrola Renovables in relation to the establishment of its onshore wind portfolio in France including the acquisition of several wind projects (600 MW portfolio) and supervising all transactional, corporate, regulatory matters.


    Maritza East III Power Plant

    Advising a consortium of two major international contractors on an innovative restructuring of the engineering and construction contracting arrangements for the 840 MW Maritza East III Power Plant in Bulgaria


    Offshore wind charter party dispute

    Advising a contractor in LMAA arbitration proceedings regarding a charter party dispute following damage caused to the leg of an offshore wind farm jack-up installation vessel off the coast of Northumberland in the UK

    United Kingdom

    Smart metering

    Advising Energy UK and the UK gas and electricity supply market on the creation of the Central Delivery Body to promote smart metering and associated industry codes

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe consacrée au secteur de l’énergie renouvelable et non renouvelable

Luis García
Luis García


Peter Kasanda
Peter Kasanda

Managing Partner - Tanzania

Paul Lowrie
Paul Lowrie


Richard Power
Richard Power


Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh


Dr. Eckehard Volz
Dr. Eckehard Volz


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