Énergie et ressources naturelles

Clyde & Cie se consacre aux secteurs d’activité qui stimulent, bâtissent, propulsent et protègent l’économie internationale, ce qui fait du secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles une priorité clé.

Expérience et prouesse technique soutenues par une présence mondiale

Notre équipe consacrée au secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles est présente dans notre réseau mondial de bureaux. Elle est composée d’avocat·e·s qui prodiguent des conseils sur les pratiques exemplaires dans tous les domaines de disciplines contentieuses et non contentieuses et qui gardent toujours en tête les réalités commerciales.

Les clients sont souvent concernés par des transactions et des différends multijuridictionnels et transfrontaliers. C’est ici que nous entrons en jeu; nous possédons une profonde connaissance de l’industrie et pouvons vous fournir des conseils pragmatiques qui tiennent compte des risques.

Essentiellement, nous offrons une perspective aiguisée sur un marché complexe et à évolution rapide. Les facteurs géopolitiques et ceux relatifs aux marchés continuent d’exercer une pression sur le secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles, tandis que les préoccupations environnementales ont revigoré l’industrie de l’énergie renouvelable.

Dans un tel contexte, les clients font face à d’importants défis ainsi qu’à des possibilités attrayantes, et nous avons la capacité de les aider à réagir avec détermination aux changements dans le paysage dynamique au sein duquel ils exercent leurs activités.

Restez au fait des nouvelles et des opinions sur la transition énergétique grâce à nos expert·e·s de l’industrie.

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Hydrogène vert

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Notre travail dans le secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • ICC arbitrations regarding a hydroelectricity project in Egypt

    Assisting with the conduct of three related ICC arbitrations arising in relation to construction disputes on a hydroelectricity project in Egypt.


    Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited on its acquisition of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging

    Advising Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, dually listed in Thailand and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and one of the world's leading petrochemicals producers on its acquisition of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging Systems, the largest manufacturer of PET from Gulf Capital’s portfolio company, Middle East Glass.


    Sovereign Fund of Egypt on the USD 2 billion sale of state-held stakes in five EGX-listed companies

    Advising the Sovereign Fund of Egypt on the USD 2 billion sale of state-held stakes in five EGX-listed companies including Commercial International Bank (CIB) and Fawry, and state-owned Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemicals Company (AFC), Misr Fertilizers Production Company (MOPCO), and Alexandria Container & Cargo Handling to Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund, ADQ.


    Mineral Exploration Company on transfer of employee rights

    Advising employees of a minerals exploration company in Tanzania on the transfer of employee rights to a new entity coal exporter in various arbitrations valued at USD 500 million.


    Acquisition of 25% interest in the Marine Block XII Permit and production sharing contract in the Re

    Advising an international oil & gas company on the sale and purchase agreement and acquisition financing to acquire a 25% interest in the Marine Block XII Permit and production sharing contract in the Republic of Congo.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition of petrol distribution and retail outlets in Spain

    Advising a UK company on the set up of Luxembourg and Spanish corporate holding structures and the acquisition of petrol distribution and retail outlets in Spain.


    United Kingdom

    Advising international commodity house on a JV in Southern Africa

    Advising an international commodity house on a joint venture in Southern Africa. We advised on both the shareholding arrangements in both the Mauritius and Zimbabwean vehicles and the related distribution and storage arrangements.

    South Africa

    Consolidation and organisation of Nigerian owned corporate entities

    Advising as primary outside counsel in relation to consolidation and organisation of corporate entities and board responsibilities. Duke Oil is Nigerian owned and engaged in direct crude oil and petroleum products trading activities in international markets.


    Eastern Petroleum Corporation acquires an oil field in Russia

    Advising a subsidiary of Eastern Petroleum Corporation on the acquisition of an oil field in Khanty-Mansiysk and the establishment of a JV company.

    Russian Federation

    Joint venture partnership arrangement specialising in turning non-recyclable plastics into clean ene

    Advising a shareholder on the funding of a joint venture partnership arrangement specialising in turning non-recyclable plastics into clean energy.

    United Kingdom
  • ICC arbitrations regarding a hydroelectricity project in Egypt

    Assisting with the conduct of three related ICC arbitrations arising in relation to construction disputes on a hydroelectricity project in Egypt.


    Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited on its acquisition of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging

    Advising Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited, dually listed in Thailand and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and one of the world's leading petrochemicals producers on its acquisition of Medco Plast for Packing and Packaging Systems, the largest manufacturer of PET from Gulf Capital’s portfolio company, Middle East Glass.


    Sovereign Fund of Egypt on the USD 2 billion sale of state-held stakes in five EGX-listed companies

    Advising the Sovereign Fund of Egypt on the USD 2 billion sale of state-held stakes in five EGX-listed companies including Commercial International Bank (CIB) and Fawry, and state-owned Abu Qir Fertilizers and Chemicals Company (AFC), Misr Fertilizers Production Company (MOPCO), and Alexandria Container & Cargo Handling to Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund, ADQ.


    Mineral Exploration Company on transfer of employee rights

    Advising employees of a minerals exploration company in Tanzania on the transfer of employee rights to a new entity coal exporter in various arbitrations valued at USD 500 million.


    Consolidation and organisation of Nigerian owned corporate entities

    Advising as primary outside counsel in relation to consolidation and organisation of corporate entities and board responsibilities. Duke Oil is Nigerian owned and engaged in direct crude oil and petroleum products trading activities in international markets.


    Advising international commodity house on a JV in Southern Africa

    Advising an international commodity house on a joint venture in Southern Africa. We advised on both the shareholding arrangements in both the Mauritius and Zimbabwean vehicles and the related distribution and storage arrangements.

    South Africa

    Solar plant development in Nigeria

    Advising Nova Power on the feasibility study for the development of several solar plants in Nigeria including an audit of the regulatory system for the building and operation of a solar PPP in Nigeria, meetings with the authorities and proposing solutions to the issues identified.


    Global crude oil trader operating in 80 countries

    Advising a global trader of crude oil with presence in 80 countries on submission of a tender to a government owned parastatal.


    Premier Solar (Kenya)

    Advising Premier Solar (Kenya) on its joint venture with Starsight Solar (Nigeria).


    Power purchase agreements for independent power producer

    Advising an independent power producer on power purchase agreements.

  • USD $1.54 billion sale by Petrobas

    Advising Petrobras on the sale of its interests in Block BC-10 in the Campos Basin, Brazil to Shell and ONGC for USD 1.54 billion.

    United States

    Acquisition of 96 mining licenses

    Advising one of the world’s largest commodities traders on the acquisition of 96 mining licenses in Brazil


    Petrobras divestment

    Advising on the sale of interests in Parque das Conchas Block BC-10 in the Campos Basin for USD 1.54 billion.


    Hydropower plant

    Providing pre-contentious advice in relation to a tunnelling contract for the Alto Maipo Hydropower Plant Project, Chile


    EPC USD 2 billion oil refinery upgrade

     Advising on a bespoke EPC contract for the USD 2 billion upgrade of the Cartagena oil refinery


    Wind farm financing

    Advising the lenders in financings of several wind farms in Riverside and Kern Counties, California

    United States

    MARPOL/APPS investigations

    Advising a drilling company under investigation since 2012 for alleged MARPOL/APPS and related record keeping violations, including successful voluntary disclosure, implementation of standard record keeping procedures and adoption of robust compliance and audit program for fleet of rigs operating in the Gulf of Mexico and internationally

    United States
  • JV Partner Buyout of business in Kazakhstan

    Advising an international commodities trader on the buyout of its JV partner’s interests in various crude oil businesses in Kazakhstan.


    Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project

    Acting for an EPC Contractor in relation to the preparation of EPC contracts, supply contracts and subcontracts for the construction of 45 wind turbines (95 MW) at the Hallet 1 Wind Farm Project in Australia


    Federal Court proceedings for collapse of underground mine workings

    Acting for the insurers of a large consulting engineering firm in relation to Federal Court of Australia proceedings which alleged that they were responsible for the collapse of underground mine workings.


    CNOOC Ltd stock exchange

    Advising Merrill Lynch/Credit Suisse First Boston/Bank of China International on dual listing by IPO of shares and ADSs of CNOOC Ltd on the Hong Kong and New York Stock Exchanges, raising USD 1.436 billion


    Cairn India Production Sharing Contract Arbitration

    Acting on a high value and large scale international arbitration under a Production Sharing Contract relating to tax levies with some USD 2 billion at stake.


    Coal exporter in various arbitrations valued at USD 500 million

    Acting for a coal exporter in various arbitrations valued at USD 500 million, including USD 280 million SIAC arbitration against a power producer concerning the export of several million tones of thermal coal from Indonesia after the Indonesian Government imposed new export requirements


    USD 125 million secured financing of copper mining-smelting enterprise

    Advising a bank on a USD 125 million secured financing to a Kazakhstan copper mining-smelting enterprise (involving collateral including the pledge of raw materials, bank accounts and vehicles)

  • Delay to the conversion of a jack-up rig

    Representing a UAE based construction company in connection with an LCIA arbitration on claims for delay, disruption and variations in connection with the conversion of a jack-up rig into an offshore permanent production facility


    Investment of USD 10 billion for mine construction in Saudi Arabia

    Advising Amwal Al Khaleej on its investment in a USD 10 billion project for the construction of an alumina mine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


    Saudi Arabia

    Yemeni USD 10.9 billion Production Sharing Agreement ICC Arbitration

    Successfully acting on a multi-billion dollar arbitration concerning the Republic of Yemen's national wealth and in relation to a 20-year old Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) regarding the Marib Block 18 oil field in the Yemen. Reported in The American Lawyer as the 2nd largest contract dispute and the largest ICC arbitration in their 2007 Arbitration Scorecard.

  • Onshore wind portfolio

    Assisting Iberdrola Renovables in relation to the establishment of its onshore wind portfolio in France including the acquisition of several wind projects (600 MW portfolio) and supervising all transactional, corporate, regulatory matters.


    Eastern Petroleum Corporation acquires an oil field in Russia

    Advising a subsidiary of Eastern Petroleum Corporation on the acquisition of an oil field in Khanty-Mansiysk and the establishment of a JV company.

    Russian Federation

    Acquisition of 25% interest in the Marine Block XII Permit and production sharing contract in the Re

    Advising an international oil & gas company on the sale and purchase agreement and acquisition financing to acquire a 25% interest in the Marine Block XII Permit and production sharing contract in the Republic of Congo.

    United Kingdom

    Joint venture partnership arrangement specialising in turning non-recyclable plastics into clean ene

    Advising a shareholder on the funding of a joint venture partnership arrangement specialising in turning non-recyclable plastics into clean energy.

    United Kingdom

    Acquisition of petrol distribution and retail outlets in Spain

    Advising a UK company on the set up of Luxembourg and Spanish corporate holding structures and the acquisition of petrol distribution and retail outlets in Spain.


    United Kingdom

    Advising global FTSE 100 client on the sale of a bunkering business

    A hybrid asset and share sale of a group of companies with an annual turnover of circa £1bn, involving 10 jurisdictions and a complex IP position.

    United Kingdom

    Sale of Newport coal fired power station

    Advising SIMEC on the sale of coal fired power station by way of a reverse takeover of Atlantis Resources Limited, quoted on the London AIM stock exchange.

    United Kingdom

    Maritza East III Power Plant

    Advising a consortium of two major international contractors on an innovative restructuring of the engineering and construction contracting arrangements for the 840 MW Maritza East III Power Plant in Bulgaria


    Acquiring an international oil & gas business

    Advising Petro-Canada on the USD 2.1 billion acquisition of Veba Oil & Gas’ international operated and non-operated business having business operations in 12 countries.


    Smart metering

    Advising Energy UK and the UK gas and electricity supply market on the creation of the Central Delivery Body to promote smart metering and associated industry codes

    United Kingdom

Notre équipe consacrée au secteur de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles

Sara Aalamri
Sara Aalamri


Andrés Adame
Andrés Adame


Anthony Albertini
Anthony Albertini


Leon Alexander
Leon Alexander


Mohammed Almarzouki
Mohammed Almarzouki


Talal AlOthman
Talal AlOthman


Anas Alswailem
Anas Alswailem


Marianne Anton
Marianne Anton


Rebecca Armstrong
Rebecca Armstrong


Toni Ashby
Toni Ashby


Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

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