Avions d’affaires

Finance, sale and purchase, operation and management, insurance: Clyde & Co’s knowledge of the business jet market is second to none.

Nos connaissances du marché des avions d’affaires sont sans pareilles.

Grâce au travail de ses avocats de premier plan spécialisés dans les avions d’affaires au sein de son vaste réseau mondial, notre pratique de droit aérien en matière d’avions d’affaires est unique puisqu’il est une suite logique à notre réputé cabinet de droit aérien des avions commerciaux.

Notre offre de droit aérien pour les avions d’affaires englobe des spécialités en financement, en vente et en achat, en exploitation, en gestion et en assurance.

Notre expérience est sans égale, car nous avons conclu plus de 300 transactions d’achat, de vente et de financement d’avions d’affaires, qu’il s’agisse du financement de flottes aériennes VIP ou de l’octroi d’un prêt pour un seul appareil. Nous avons su composer avec tous les types d’avions de l’ensemble des principaux constructeurs, et ce, sur plus de 40 territoires.

Nous comprenons les besoins des clients fortunés et sommes réputés pour notre service à la clientèle, notamment grâce à notre capacité à conclure des transactions en respectant un échéancier serré. Nous sommes "les avocats du droit aérien des avions d’affaires".

Notre travail en matière d’avions d’affaires

  • Tout
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Agreements and breaches

    Advising business jet and rotor-wing operators on pilot training bond agreements and breaches.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft acquisition, financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale

    Acted for an Asian Corporate in relation to various matters involving its acquisition, financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale of one Gulfstream G450. 
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft finance leasing

    Acted for a leading International Financier in relation to its finance leasing of one Gulfstream G650ER.

    Hong Kong

    Aircraft financing

    Acted for a Chinese Bank – in relation to the financing of one new ACJ.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale

    Acted for an Asian Investment Fund – in relation to various matters involving its financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale of one Bombardier Challenger 605.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft purchase and leaseback

    Acted for a leading International Financier in relation to its purchase and leaseback of one Dassault Falcon 7X.

    Hong Kong

    Corporate aircraft finance and leasing

    Acted for various European, US and APAC Banks and Financial Institutions – in relation to multiple corporate aircraft finance and leasing matters involving various Domestic Jurisdictions and States of Registration (including multiple PRC / USA / Off-shore matters).

    Hong Kong

    Debt recovery and business jet repossession

    Advising numerous owners and managers on debt recoveries and the repossession of business jet aircraft in Asia.
    Hong Kong

    Employment – poaching of staff

    Advising business jet owners on the poaching of pilots and engineers.
    Hong Kong

    Financing of Airbus Corporate Jet

    Acted for a US Bank in documenting the financing of one Airbus Corporate Jet.
    Hong Kong
  • Part 91 operations for Thai-owned Gulfstream 550

    Managed the stock sale, purchase agreement and formation of a new Florida corporation to operate multiple international aircraft management and aviation service agreements for a foreign owner of a Part 91 operation for a Gulfstream 550 in Thailand

    United States
  • Employment – poaching of staff

    Advising business jet owners on the poaching of pilots and engineers.
    Hong Kong

    Debt recovery and business jet repossession

    Advising numerous owners and managers on debt recoveries and the repossession of business jet aircraft in Asia.
    Hong Kong

    Grey charters

    Advising on grey charters operations in APAC.
    Hong Kong

    Passenger conduct

    Advising business jet managers on unruly behaviour and other criminal conduct of passengers aboard a flight.
    Hong Kong

    Agreements and breaches

    Advising business jet and rotor-wing operators on pilot training bond agreements and breaches.
    Hong Kong

    Regulatory, incident response and risk management

    Advising business jet owners and managers in relation to aircraft damage, wildlife hazards, ICAO and national preventative practices.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale

    Acted for an Asian Investment Fund – in relation to various matters involving its financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale of one Bombardier Challenger 605.
    Hong Kong

    Financing unwind and sale of eight (8) aircraft

    Acted for a Corporate Jet Operator – in relation to its financing unwind and sale of eight (8) aircraft in two (2) transactions.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft financing

    Acted for a Chinese Bank – in relation to the financing of one new ACJ.
    Hong Kong

    Aircraft acquisition, financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale

    Acted for an Asian Corporate in relation to various matters involving its acquisition, financing, aircraft management, engine service plans and sale of one Gulfstream G450. 
    Hong Kong

Notre équipe spécialisée en avions d’affaires

Mark Bisset
Mark Bisset


Stuart Miller
Stuart Miller


Roger Whipp
Roger Whipp


Nicholas Harding
Nicholas Harding


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