Bilan trimestriel sur les changements climatiques

Restez à la une de l’actualité internationale avec des analyses détaillées des litiges et des tendances en matière de réglementation liés aux changements climatiques, particulièrement axées sur les sujets les plus brûlants : écoblanchiment, litiges connexes, transition énergétique, responsabilité des directeurs et développements à l’encontre des facteurs ESG

Traduction en cours. Merci de votre patience.

What is our Climate Change Quarterly?

Experts in our global Climate Risk Practice provide updates on the key trends and developments in climate change regulation and litigation which affect clients in our core sectors of insurance, transport, energy, infrastructure and trade & commodities. With a particular focus on anti-ESG, greenwashing and D&O in the US, Europe (including the UK) and Asia Pacific, the Climate Change Quarterly provides businesses with the knowledge to understand climate risks across industries, supply chains, and regions. 

We deploy our wealth of experience advising corporates on climate risk and liability to provide in-depth analysis of important trends in the net zero transition and climate litigation, such as the potential impact of global climate negotiations on our clients, and how to prepare for mandatory sustainability reporting. 

In between the quarterly updates and as part of the service, we also provide ad hoc case alerts on the most important developments in climate litigation, and key regulatory developments. 

How our Climate Change Quarterly works

If you would like to subscribe to receive recent and future editions of the Quarterly, please reach out to our experts. We would love to discuss the Quarterly with you in more detail and provide a sample edition.

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Facteurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG)

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Réglementation et enquêtes

Clyde & Co s’assure que ses clients disposent du soutien technique et pratique approprié pour se conformer à la réglementation en constante évolution et pour gérer les risques liés à la fraude et à la corruption.

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Audit RH sur l’écoresponsabilité

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