
Personal injury discount rates around the world

15 mars 2023
12.00 - 13.00
Assurance et réassurance

Personal injury discount rates around the world

15 mars 2023
12.00 - 13.00
Assurance et réassurance


Our experts address the England & Wales personal injury discount rate review, issues arising in dual and multiple rate models and consider how they might play out in practice, particularly in relation to claims handling.

Focusing on personal injury discount rates in other jurisdictions, this one hour webinar will:

  • Explore experiences of the rates used in Hong Kong, Canada and the Channel Islands.
  • Assess the impact on claims handling if similar models were adopted
  • Identify issues specific to each approach

Our Casualty team continues to monitor activity relating to the Personal Injury Discount Rate (PIDR) in England & Wales. The Ministry of Justice is currently running a 'call for evidence' to obtain in-principle views and insights into the potential practical impacts of possible options for dual or multiple PIDRs.

We are holding a series of webinars in March, the second webinar on Tuesday 21 March will feature guest speakers from PWC and will focus more on the technical side of approaches, how the calculations might be constructed, what the results of them might look like in practice, and how the options compare to using the current single PIDR.

Click here to see full details of the second webinar.