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Jingchen Xu



Jingchen Xu

Jingchen Xu



Jingchen Xu

Jingchen Xu




  • Energy & Natural Resources

  • Marine

  • Trade & Commodities



  • Commercial

  • Commercial Disputes

  • International Arbitration

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Contact Details

Jingchen has a strong sector focus on international trading, commodities and shipping related dispute resolution.

Regional experience
Full Profile

Jingchen is admitted to the New York Bar and is qualified to practice law in China. She has been practising in Singapore focusing on English and Singaporean law disputes. Jingchen obtained her PhD and LLM in Admiralty (with distinction) from Tulane University Law School in the United States focusing on cross border insolvency in a maritime context. She obtained her LLB in Maritime Law from Dalian Maritime University.

Jingchen has a strong sector focus on commodities and shipping related dispute resolution. She has represented clients in a number of commodity disputes and regularly advise clients on various shipping and trade related disputes, including letter of credit disputes, charterparty disputes, demurrage disputes, bill of lading disputes, cargo claims, shipbuilding disputes, insurance and insolvency related disputes. 

Jingchen speaks fluent English and Mandarin.

  • International Trade & Commodities– Advising on a variety of trading disputes regarding issues such as off-specification, non-payment, letter of credit disputes, and force majeure.
  • Singapore/SIAC arbitration relating to the termination of a sale and purchase contract for light cycle oil concerning the true origin of the cargo.
  • ICC arbitration: acting for a major trader on quality disputes in relation to the sale and purchase of iron ore.
  • Shipping - Advising on issues such as demurrage, off hire, performance warranties/speed and consumption, letters of indemnity, missed laycans, unsafe ports, and unseaworthiness
  • London/LMAA arbitration relating to demurrage claims arising from the pandemic. 
  • SCMA arbitration relating to non-payment of charter hire and advising client in relation to the issues of time bar and set-off.
  • Insurance/reinsurance: advising a major Chinese reinsurer on contribution disputes against its insurer.


  • Energy & Natural Resources

  • Marine

  • Trade & Commodities



  • Commercial

  • Commercial Disputes

  • International Arbitration