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José Osman

Legal Director


José Osman

José Osman

Legal Director


José Osman

José Osman

Legal Director

José Osman is a senior associate based in the Santiago de Chile office of Clyde & Co., office with vast experience in real estate, mining, energy and natural resources fields.

Regional experience

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Profile & Experience

José Osman is a senior associate based in the Santiago de Chile office of Clyde & Co., office with vast experience in real estate, mining, energy and natural resources fields.

Regional experience
Full Profile

José Osman is a senior associate in our office in Santiago de Chile since 2013, dealing with real estate, mining, energy and natural resources matters.

His work focuses on real estate, mining, energy, natural resources and corporate areas, actively advising several national and foreign clients in the acquisition, development and execution of their projects.

In natural resources and mining matters he participates in the negotiation, due diligence process, legal opinions, option agreements, royalty agreements and other mining related contracts, financing, project development (mining, operations, EPC, EPCM and other agreements, commercial and supply contracts), land use and easements, and provision of services in the mining area, among others. In real estate field He provides counsel on day to day real estate issues to different real estate companies such as Movicenter, Inersa, Indumotora, among others. His counsel concentrates especially in the drafting and negotiation of complex agreements and contracts, as well as in the previous due diligence processes.

He has a Master degree in Water and Mining Law from Universidad Finis Terrae and a Diploma in Economic Law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • Mining: Advising an Australian mining company in the acquisition process of “Cortadera Project” which encompasses 25 mining exploitation concessions. Cortadera Project is one of the most significant copper-gold discoveries of the past decade in Chile. Dale value: More than US$ 32.000.000
  • Mining: Advising Bridgestone in the negotiation and drafting of significant contracts for the supply of Off-The-Road Tires to several mining companies: BHP Billiton, Antofagasta Minerals, Codelco, Minera Lumina Copper, Sierra Gorda, Minera San Cristóbal, among others. Dales value: More than US$100.000.000.
  • Mining: Advising Bridgestone in the negotiation and drafting of “Itrack II temperature and pressure control system“ agreements to several mining projects: Antucoya, Caserones, Mantos Blancos, Carmen de Andacollo, Minera Zaldívar, among others.
  • Natural Resources: Advising the lessor in the negotiation of lease agreement and easements with Andes Solar, for installation of a 140 MW solar power plant (Andino Occidente Project) and 180 MW solar power plant (Andino Esmeralda Project).
  • Natural Resources: Advising the owner of servient landholding in the negotiation and drafting of an easement of electrical line agreement with Colbún S.A. (one of the largest hydroelectric power companies in Chile). 
  • Real Estate/development: Advising Movicenter, the largest automobile mall in Chile, in the negotiation and drafting of lease agreements and other related contracts.
  • Real Estate/development: Advising Indumotora Group, the principal distributor and seller of motor vehicles in Chile in the negotiation and drafting of lease contracts, elaboration and negotiation of construction agreements, all types of service provision agreements, environmental and regulatory/permitting matters and other related agreements.


  • Energy & Natural Resources

  • Infrastructure



  • Real Estate